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added: 06-07-2012

In May 2012 compared with April 2012, the volume of retail trade rose by 0.6% in both the euro area (EA17) and the EU272. In April retail trade fell by 1.4% in both zones. In May 2012, compared with May 2011, the retail sales index dropped by 1.7% in the euro area and by 0.3% in
the EU27.

added: 06-07-2012

In May 2012, compared with April 2012, the industrial producer price index fell by 0.5% in the euro area (EA17) and by 0.7% in the EU27. In April prices rose by 0.1% in the euro area and remained stable in the EU27. In May 2012 compared with May 2011, industrial producer prices gained 2.3% in the euro area and 2.4% in the EU27.

added: 02-07-2012

The euro area (EA17) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 11.1% in May 2012, compared with 11.0% in April. It was 10.0% in May 2011. The EU27 unemployment rate was 10.3% in May 2012, compared with 10.2% in April. It was 9.5% in May 2011.

added: 02-07-2012

In 2011, EU27 residents made 1.2 billion trips for both leisure and business. After a significant increase between 2006 and 2008, the number of trips has since remained almost stable, with a minor decline in 2010, followed by a slight upward trend in 2011. It should be noted that these figures refer to the trips made by EU residents, whether in their own country, to another EU Member State or elsewhere in the world. They do not include trips made by non EU residents to the EU.

added: 28-06-2012

All EU11 countries The EU11 countries include 10 European Union (EU) member states – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia – and one prospective member, Croatia. For the first time in this RER series, Croatia is included because of its expected EU entry in July 2013. are projected to grow at a slower pace in 2012 compared to 2011 with their economies rebounding only in 2013, provided the economic problems in the Euro area do not worsen, highlights the World Bank’s latest EU11 Regular Economic Report, launched in Zagreb.

added: 27-06-2012

In 2011, price levels for consumer goods and services differed widely across Member States. Denmark (142% of the EU27 average) had the highest price level, followed by Sweden (128%), Finland (125%) and Luxembourg (122%). Price levels of 10% to 20% above the EU27 average were found in Ireland (117%), Belgium (112%) and France (111%), while the Netherlands (108%), Austria (107%), Germany and Italy (both 103%) and the United Kingdom (102%) had levels up to 10% above the average.

added: 22-06-2012

Based on first preliminary estimates for 2011, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) varied from 45% to 274% of the EU27 average across the Member States.

added: 21-06-2012

The EU27 Member States granted protection to 84 100 asylum seekers in 2011 compared with 75 800 in 2010. The largest groups of beneficiaries of protection status in the EU27 were citizens of Afghanistan (13 300 persons or 16% of the total number of persons granted protection status), Iraq (9 000 or 11%) and Somalia (8 900 or 11%).

added: 21-06-2012

In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production fell by 2.7% in the euro area (EA17) and by 6.6% in the EU27 in April 2012, compared with the previous month. In March 2012, production increased by 11.4% and 10.8% respectively. Compared with April 2011, production in April 2012 dropped by 5.0% in the euro area and by 5.1% in the EU27.

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