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added: 03-04-2009

Taking goods and services together, the EU27 and the USA account for the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world. The significant amount of bilateral trade and investment illustrates a high degree of interdependence of the two economies.

added: 03-04-2009

The American International Automobile Dealers Association released March 2009 sales figures for the international automobile industry. AIADA represents over 11,000 international franchises, which so far this year account for 56.3 percent of all vehicles sold in the United States. Overall sales, including domestics and unadjusted for business days, were down 37 percent from March 2008.

added: 03-04-2009

Despite lower employee confidence in the areas of job security and pay raises, the majority of employees have a surprising level of optimism relating to their ability to sidestep layoffs, the future outlook of their employer and expectations for pay increases, according to the Q1 Employee Confidence Survey of 1,576 employed adults conducted by Harris Interactive.

added: 03-04-2009

All EU Member States and regions would be able to get EU regional development funding for energy-efficiency and renewable energy investments in housing, under rule changes set out in a draft EP legislative resolution on a proposed regulation amending European Regional Development Fund Regulation 1080/2006.

added: 03-04-2009

The Conference Board reports that global output growth in 2009 will be slow but remains positive at 1.3% for 2009. The Conference Board points at large discrepancies in the global economy this year, with advanced economies experiencing a strong contraction in output at -2.5% on average, and emerging economies pulling the world economy along at a reasonable pace of 5.0% on average.

added: 03-04-2009

Consumer price inflation in the OECD area remained at 1.3% in the year to February 2009. Month-onmonth, prices rose by 0.4% in February, the first tangible positive increase since July 2008.

added: 03-04-2009

Unemployment rates were higher in February than a year earlier in all 372 metropolitan areas, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 02-04-2009

In its latest Global Economic Outlook, Fitch Ratings updates its forecasts for GDP in 2009 which have been revised downwards very sharply, reflecting the abrupt fall in activity and trade at the end of last year, evidence of much more rapid deleveraging by the US household sector, and precipitous declines in business investment. This is not only the widest but now also the deepest global recession experienced since WWII. Nevertheless Fitch still expects a return to positive, albeit, weak, growth in 2010 in response to unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy stimulus.

added: 02-04-2009

EU27 real agricultural income per worker fell by 3.5% in 2008, after increasing by 9.3% in 2007. This decrease was the result of a fall in real agricultural income (-5.7%) and a reduction in agricultural labour input (-2.3%).

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