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added: 27-05-2011

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for Mexico increased 0.8 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index® (CEI) increased 0.3 percent in March.

added: 27-05-2011, the authority on new car pricing, trends and forecasting, released its May 2011 sales and incentives forecast.

added: 26-05-2011

As we approach the official kick-off to summer getaways with Memorial Day weekend, a recent study from CareerBuilder shows financial constraints and demanding work schedules have some workers foregoing vacation plans this year. Twenty-four percent of full-time workers reported they can't afford to take a vacation in 2011, up from 21 percent last year. Another 12 percent reported they can afford a vacation, but don't have plans to take one this year. More than 5,600 workers participated in the nationwide study, which was conducted from February 21 to March 10, 2011.

added: 26-05-2011

The global recovery is firmly under way, but is taking place at different speeds across countries and regions, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook.

added: 26-05-2011

Only 55% of Americans planning to retire in the next seven years are confident in their ability to generate a suitable retirement income. As a result, these investors, consisting mainly of 1st Wave Boomers ages 55 to 64, are more open to retirement income products than older investors and current retirees. These and other findings are included in the new In-Retirement Income™ report released this week by Cogent Research.

added: 26-05-2011

Governments must look to the green economy to find new sources of growth and jobs. They should put in place policies that tap into the innovation, investment and entrepreneurship driving the shift towards a greener economy.

added: 26-05-2011

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for Australia increased 0.4 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index® (CEI) increased 0.1 percent in March.

added: 26-05-2011

Oil and gas companies believe risks associated with rising oil and gas prices and regulatory changes, including those related to greenhouse gas emissions, hydraulic fracturing and tax incentives, pose the greatest threat to their businesses. According to a report by BDO USA, LLP, a leading accounting and consulting organization, these two risks were cited by all (100%) of the 100 largest U.S. oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) companies in their 10-K SEC filings this year.

added: 26-05-2011

Consumer confidence in the overall economy and technology both slipped in May, according to the latest CEA Indexes from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®.

added: 25-05-2011

When a high level leader leaves a company, there's a lot of pressure associated with the selection of his or her successor. Even with so much weight placed on future leaders, many companies reveal they don't have a formal plan of action to replace their higher ups. According to a new CareerBuilder survey, nearly one-third (31 percent) of companies with more than 1,000 employees said they don't currently have a succession planning program at their organization. In addition, 50 percent of senior management (CEO, CFO, Senior VP, etc.) and 52 percent of those in a vice president position said they do not have a successor for their current role.

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