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added: 09-12-2009

A total of 157.5 million persons worked at some point during 2008, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. The proportion of workers who worked full time, year round in 2008 was 65.6 percent, down from 68.4 percent in 2007. The number of persons who experienced some unemployment in 2008 increased by 6.1 million to 21.2 million. This sharp increase reflects weak labor market conditions due to a recession that began in December 2007.

added: 09-12-2009

International mergers and acquisitions are forecast to decline by 56% in 2009 compared with 2008, the largest year-on-year decline since 1995 (see figure 1). This estimate is based on OECD analysis of data for international M&A activity up to 26 November 2009.

added: 09-12-2009

There were 2.5 million job openings on the last business day of October 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. The job openings rate was unchanged over the month at 1.9 percent. The
openings rate has held relatively steady since March 2009. The hires rate (3.0 percent) and the separations rate (3.2 percent) were essentially unchanged and remained low.

added: 09-12-2009

Fitch Ratings says in a new report that the Baltic countries' sovereign ratings remain under downward pressure, with Latvia ('BB+'/Negative) and Lithuania ('BBB'/Negative) more at risk of negative rating actions than Estonia ('BBB+'/Negative).

added: 09-12-2009

Two out of three small business owners are concerned that employees might bring discrimination claims or other employment-related charges against them, according to a recent survey by The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB). More than 40 percent blamed a poor economy and 60 percent cited new worker-friendly employment laws and legislation.

added: 09-12-2009

Healthcare in Europe is facing major challenges in both structural reform and unavailability of resources as the region's working population is far lower in comparison to those of 'non-working' age. This calls for the introduction of new schemes in healthcare that would enable Europe to deal with issues pertaining to the growing ageing population. The involvement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in healthcare is evident from the fact that in recent years, the number of Internet users for health purposes has increased considerably. This is basically in the form of purchasing health products and services, and also for communicating with peers and healthcare professionals.

added: 09-12-2009

The weekly average rate borrowers were quoted on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace for 30-year fixed mortgages increased five basis points last week to 4.67 percent, up from 4.62 percent the week prior, according to the Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitor, compiled by leading real estate Web site®. Rates for 15-year fixed mortgages rose one basis point to 4.20 percent from 4.19 percent, while 5-1 adjustable rate mortgages remained flat at 3.74 percent.

added: 08-12-2009

U.S. employees can expect median pay increases of 2.5% in 2010, according to a new Hay Group study. The 2.5% planned amount is the lowest planned increase in the last decade and it is also one half of a percent lower than when Hay Group conducted a similar study in July 2009, which forecasted a 2010 median pay budget increase of 3.0%.

added: 08-12-2009

The US should raise significantly federal funding on jobs programmes for young people in order to limit the impact of the economic downturn on the current generation of school leavers, according to a new OECD report. Given the pressure on public finances, this may require some reallocation of federal funding towards youth programmes.

added: 08-12-2009

The European Commission's latest State Aid Scoreboard shows the financial crisis multiplied the overall aid volume from € 66.5 billion or 0.52% of the EU-27 GDP in 2007 to € 279.6 billion or 2.2% of GDP in 2008. Crisis measures excluded, total aid stood in 2008 at € 67.4 billion or 0.54% of GDP. Timely and coordinated action by Member States and the Commission contributed to safeguarding financial stability.

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