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added: 03-11-2009

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released a new report, Lower Premiums, Stronger Businesses: How Health Insurance Reform Will Bring Down Costs for Small Businesses. The report outlines the many ways health insurance reform will lower health care costs for small businesses.

added: 03-11-2009

In September 2009, most of the average MFI interest rates on new deposits and a large majority of the average MFI interest rates on new loans decreased further. A majority of the average MFI interest rates on outstanding amounts of deposits and loans decreased as well.

added: 02-11-2009

Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.4 percent, seasonally adjusted, for the 3-month period ending September 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. Both components of compensation - wages and salaries (which make up about 70 percent of compensation) and benefits (which make up the remaining 30 percent of compensation) - increased the same amount, 0.4 percent.

added: 02-11-2009

The EU27 has a structural, but decreasing, surplus in trade in goods with the USA. This surplus rose steadily from 32 billion euro in 2000 to a peak of 94 bn in 2006, but has fallen for the last two years, to reach 63 bn in 2008. In the first half of 2009, the EU27 trade surplus with the USA continued to fall, reaching 16 bn, compared with 33 bn in the same period of 2008.


added: 02-11-2009

The latest World Development Report finds that vulnerability to climate change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is compounded by weak environmental management over many decades and the poor state of much of the region’s infrastructure. Many ECA countries are also among the world’s least energy efficient, which further impairs the Region’s capacity to withstand climate change risks.

added: 02-11-2009

The euro area (EA16) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 9.7% in September 2009, compared with 9.6% in August. It was 7.7% in September 2008. The EU27 unemployment rate was 9.2% in September 2009, compared with 9.1% in August. It was 7.1% in September 2008. For the euro area this is the highest rate since January 1999 and for the EU27 since the start of the series in January 2000.

added: 01-11-2009

Small businesses will play an important role in the nation’s economic future. The Office of Advocacy’s Small Business Profile for the United States provides details about small business employment, business starts and closings, bank lending in 2008, the demographics of business ownership, and firm and employment change by major industry and firm size.

added: 01-11-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for Mexico increased 1.1 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) increased 0.6 percent in August.

added: 31-10-2009

Fitch Ratings says in a new report that although external financing risks have eased somewhat for many countries in emerging Europe (EE) during recent months, rising government deficits and debt ratios mean that sovereign rating dynamics remain negative.

added: 31-10-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for Australia increased 1.8 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) declined 0.2 percent in August.

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