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added: 02-10-2009

Key Enabling Technologies such as nanotechnology, micro- and nanoelectronics including semiconductors, advanced materials, biotechnology and photonics are of exceptional importance for being at the forefront of managing the shift to a low carbon, knowledge-based economy. Mastering such technologies lays stable foundation for well paid jobs in the EU and allows for sustainable, broadly shared growth. They are the main drivers for innovative goods and services needed for addressing major societal challenges. Therefore the Commission proposes to develop and implement a European vision for the industrial deployment of such technologies in the EU.

added: 02-10-2009

The total harmonisation of consumer rights in the EU, as proposed by the European Commission, could lead to a levelling-down of certain rights, according to MEPs and experts who met to discuss the issue.

added: 01-10-2009

With the possibility of health care reform on the horizon, Hewitt Associates, a global human resources consulting and outsourcing company, finds that most U.S. employers are taking a "wait and see" approach and forgoing significant overhauls to their benefits plans in 2010. As a result, employees can expect to see few major changes to their benefits plans when they enroll this year. Still, as health care costs continue to rise, Hewitt strongly urges workers to take an active role in choosing their health care and retirement plan options this enrollment season.

added: 01-10-2009

Americans lack confidence that healthcare reform will deliver more affordable or better quality medical care, according to a survey released by Thomson Reuters.

added: 01-10-2009

Noting that significant action has already been taken at international and national levels to counteract the impacts of the downturn, the OECD Employment and Labour Ministers welcomed the initial signs of economic recovery. However, they also underlined that they will have to deal with the consequences of high and persistent unemployment for some time after the recovery is well underway. They agreed that, in light of the severity of the recession, comprehensive and innovative employment and social policies are essential to tackle the jobs crisis and promote a return to sound economic growth and called on the OECD to assess the implications for its Reassessed Jobs Strategy.

added: 01-10-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for Australia increased 0.7 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) remained unchanged in July.

added: 01-10-2009

While the economy begins to show signs of a slow recovery, many consumers continue to struggle with financial challenges, some of which could affect their health. A survey released by the American Optometric Association (AOA) revealed that 36 percent of Americans say they are limiting their doctor visits because of the recession.

added: 30-09-2009

Data through July 2009, released by Standard & Poor's for its S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices, show that, although still negative, the annual rate of decline of the 10-City and 20-City Composites improved compared to last month's reading. This marks approximately six months of improved readings in these statistics, beginning in early 2009.

added: 30-09-2009

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had improved in August, dipped in September. The Index now stands at 53.1 (1985=100), down from 54.5 in August. The Present Situation Index decreased to 22.7 from 25.4. The Expectations Index declined to 73.3 from 73.8 last month.

added: 30-09-2009

The euro area economy shows signs of stabilisation, but it would be premature to declare the crisis over, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet told the Economics Committee on Monday. MEPs wanted to know how the proposed Systemic Risk Board would work and how to ensure the supply of credit to businesses.

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