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added: 23-07-2009

Brinker Capital, a leading investment management firm, released results of the second quarter’s Brinker Barometer, a gauge of financial advisor confidence and sentiment regarding the economy, retirement savings, investing and market performance.

added: 23-07-2009

The National Small Business Association released the 2009 Mid-Year Economic Report which illustrates a small-business community barely hanging on in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. According to the report, 94 percent of small businesses surveyed said the national economy today is worse off than five years ago, and those who think the economy is doing much worse jumped from 64 percent in December 2008 to 75 percent in July 2009.

added: 23-07-2009

A new poll by finds that the public in 14 of 19 nations surveyed feel their government's efforts to address the economic crisis do not go far enough. Three additional publics lean to this view. Most publics favor government support for troubled companies and a global body that would monitor large financial institutions.

added: 23-07-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for France increased 0.7 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) decreased 0.1 percent in May.

added: 23-07-2009

Public trust in government has declined, pressure to regulate business has softened, and trust in President Barack Obama to solve the nation’s problems has slipped, according to the latest quarterly Public Trust Monitor, conducted by Public Strategies, Inc., in conjunction with POLITICO.

added: 22-07-2009

In May 2009 compared with April 2009, the euro area (EA16) industrial new orders index fell by 0.2%. In April the index decreased by 0.7%. In the EU27 new orders rose by 0.9% in May 2009, after dropping by 1.7% in April. Excluding ships, railway & aerospace equipment, for which changes tend to be more volatile, industrial new orders decreased by 0.3% in the euro area, but grew by 0.4% in the EU27.

added: 22-07-2009

Pay raises for U.S. workers are expected to rebound in 2010, following a year in which many companies slashed raises in the wake of the recession, according to a new survey by Watson Wyatt.

added: 22-07-2009

From December 2007 to December 2008, employment declined in 285 of the 334 largest U.S. counties, according to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. Elkhart County, Ind., located about 100 miles east of Chicago, posted the largest percentage decline, with a loss of 17.8 percent over the year, compared with a national job decrease of 2.3 percent. Manufacturing sustained the largest employment losses in Elkhart. Montgomery County, Texas, which is about 20 miles north of Houston, experienced the largest over-the-year percentage increase in employment among the largest counties in the U.S., with a gain of 2.7 percent.

added: 22-07-2009

A newly released survey, conducted in seven countries - the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Brazil, India, Germany and France - indicates that while many environmental beliefs and behaviors are shared across different consumer cultures, others vary widely. Generally, consumers in the US, UK, Germany and France tend to align in their attitudes, while consumers in Brazil, India, and China have divergent views, and are particularly inclined to seek green products and to favor companies they consider green.

added: 22-07-2009

TPI, the largest sourcing data and advisory firm in the world and a unit of Information Services Group Inc. (ISG),released second-quarter and first-half global market data showing that outsourcing activity continues to be constrained by difficult macroeconomic conditions, despite its potential to soften the impact of the recession through cost savings and efficiency gains.

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