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added: 05-11-2008

A marked increase in pre-sold custom-built homes appears to be on the rise. Stabilized and, in many cases, lower building material costs, coupled with lower interest rates offered by eager-to-lend financial institutions, may be part of the reason.

added: 05-11-2008

In its latest Global Economic Outlook, Fitch Ratings predicts that the world's major advanced economies - US, UK, Euro area and Japan - will next year experience the steepest decline in GDP since World War II. In aggregate GDP growth in these countries is expected to be (minus) -0.8% in 2009, compared to an estimated 1.1% for 2008. Tighter credit conditions, consumer retrenchment and falling corporate investment are expected to combine to deliver an unusually synchronised downturn across the advanced economies.

added: 05-11-2008

The world food price crisis and the climate change debate have put the EU's common agricultural policy (CAP) back in the news spotlight. MEPs and MPs in Brussels on 3 and 4 November for an inter-parliamentary meeting on the future of European agriculture and its global role began reflecting on the CAP's future shape in the context of food and energy challenges.

added: 05-11-2008

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved two projects totaling 142 million Euros that aim to strengthen Bulgaria’s integration into the European Union and to raise living standards.

added: 05-11-2008

Resourceful consumers have devised a variety of strategies to save money beyond just buying fewer and cheaper holiday gifts. To save money on gas, shoppers will shift some of their store purchases to the Internet. Some will plan ahead so that they make all their online purchases at once to reduce shipping costs. Others will buy in bulk from warehouses and club stores online.

added: 05-11-2008

Mortgage rates rose last week, with rates for 30-year fixed mortgages increasing to 6.26 percent, up from 6.00 percent the week prior, according to the Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitor.

added: 05-11-2008

The number of pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles on American roads remained relatively constant, despite a year of surging gas prices and increased public focus on smaller and hybrid vehicles. Pickup trucks accounted for 20.57 percent of all vehicles in operation and SUVs 11.42 percent, according to analysis by Experian Automotive.

added: 05-11-2008

The worldwide RFID market will exceed $5.3 billion in 2008, according to a new forecast from ABI Research. Annual revenue growth will increase over the next five years, accelerating over the mid-term as high-growth, high-volume applications such as supply chain management, ID documents, ticketing and contactless payment drive shipments.

added: 04-11-2008

Consumer prices in the OECD area rose by 4.5% in the year to September 2008, compared with 4.7% in the year to August 2008. Month-on-month, the price level remained stable in September, compared with a decrease of 0.1% in August.

added: 04-11-2008

In the second quarter of 2008, the seasonally adjusted gross saving rate of households was 13.9% in the euro area (EA15).

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