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added: 15-10-2008

Two days after calming any concerns about the banks and financial institutions with a blanket guarantee and backing for the banks' offshore wholesale borrowings, the Federal Government has revealed a $10.4 billion injection into the Australian economy.

added: 15-10-2008

"The massive contraction in demand caused by this 'wealth effect' will condemn the western economy to a decade-long depression," Harrison tells the Foreign Press Association in London."

added: 15-10-2008

Last year, widely publicized customer data breaches, as well as food and toy safety issues related to Chinese suppliers, heightened risk management concerns for the retail industry. This year, according to the annual study performed by BDO Seidman, LLP, one of the nation’s leading accounting and consulting organizations, 44 percent of chief financial officers (CFOs) at leading U.S. retailers stated that they have increased their level of investment in cyber security to combat potential data breaches, down from 61 percent in 2007, indicating a growing comfort with the protective systems in place.

added: 15-10-2008

IT outsourcing continues to grow as more businesses realize it is becoming the competitive profitability standard. Within the next 10 years, outsourcing will continue to cut at least 40 percent of costs even with the growing demand for IT specialists, which significantly increases costs for developers.

added: 15-10-2008

The Deloitte Research Leading Index of Consumer Spending fell in September, mainly due to continued softness in the housing market and an increase in unemployment claims. The Index attempts to track consumer cash flow as an indicator of future consumer spending.

added: 15-10-2008

On 14th October, the European Union and European Industry announce plans to make fuel cells and hydrogen one of Europe's leading new strategic energy technologies of the future. Fuel cells, as an efficient conversion technology, and hydrogen, as a clean energy carrier, have a great potential to help address energy challenges facing Europe.

added: 15-10-2008

Online recruitment activity dipped across Europe in September, with France, Italy and the UK reporting the steepest declines in job availability. In addition, the Index’s year-on-year growth rate fell to five percent from 11 percent in the previous month.

added: 15-10-2008

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Spain increased 0.6 percent and the coincident index decreased 0.1 percent in August.

added: 15-10-2008

Despite the current gloomy economic news, the United States has successfully promoted the fundamentals of prosperity, ranking in fourth place with Germany and Singapore in the 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index. In reacting to the financial crisis, policymakers should be mindful that the country is nevertheless well positioned for continued prosperity in the long term.

added: 14-10-2008

European countries dominate the top ten in the 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index. The Index defines prosperity as a holistic combination of material wealth and life satisfaction, measuring how well nations are promoting both economic growth and quality of life. Australia holds the top spot, narrowly ahead of Austria and Finland. Germany ranks 4th, Switzerland 7th and Denmark is 9th in promoting overall prosperity. Yemen ranks last, following several African nations including Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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