Fitch Ratings has revised Ukraine's Outlook to Negative from Stable. Its ratings are affirmed at Long-term foreign and local Issuer Default (IDRs) 'BB-' (BB minus) and at Short-term foreign currency IDR 'B'. The agency has also affirmed the Country Ceiling at 'BB-' (BB minus).
From a virtual "standing start" of just 10 million units in 2008, shipments of ultra-mobile devices (UMDs - the umbrella term for ultra-mobile PCs, netbooks and Mobile Internet Devices) are expected to exceed 200 million in 2013.
OECD’s Pharmaceutical Pricing Policies in a Global Market details national differences in the consumption and cost of medicines and outlines how prices are established, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of various policies and practices.
How can the EU achieve that all Europeans – from the North of Finland to the South of Italy, from the Western Ireland to Eastern Romania – have access to broadband Internet? This is the main question raised in a Commission report.
The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a directive that will further reduce the administrative burdens on European public limited-liability companies in the area of mergers and divisions. Under the proposal, companies would benefit from simplified requirements on reporting and on publication of draft terms.
The use of derivatives by U.S. pension funds to hedge risk will likely slow down because of the ongoing credit crisis, according to Watson Wyatt. The U.S. had begun to see an increase in the use of derivatives by pension funds over the last few years.
The European Parliament adopted a legislative report at first-reading aimed at providing wider access to telecoms services, more information for consumers and stronger data protection.
The financial market crisis which reached a new peak last week was the subject of a debate with the Council and Commission, with MEPs calling for action to improve the supervision of financial markets in the EU and around the world.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has moved to try and solve a shortage of US dollars in the Asian area by joining a swap arrangement involving the US Federal Reserve.