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added: 19-09-2008

Asia's developing economies will experience lower levels of growth than previously forecast over the rest of 2008 and next year, according to the Asian Development Bank.

added: 19-09-2008

A new study reveals that the American people are willing to make sacrifices - in the form of spending cuts and tax increases - to address growing federal fiscal imbalances, yet would do so only if they see greater government accountability.

added: 19-09-2008

A new poll suggests that Americans may be ready to consider a universal healthcare plan. According to results from the "Getting Paid In America" survey, forty-six percent of American employees are in a favor of a universal healthcare system for the United States.

added: 19-09-2008

The Conference Board announced that the U.S. leading index decreased 0.5 percent, the coincident index decreased 0.1 percent and the lagging index increased 0.4 percent in August.

added: 19-09-2008

In August, the national real estate climate index was 101.78, 0.58 and 2.70 points lower than the previous month, and over the same period last year.

added: 19-09-2008

Survey data presented at the Economist Conferences' Fifth China Branding Roundtable in Beijing indicate that 31 percent of Chinese consumers identify the environment as a higher priority than the economy, a percentage that is significantly higher than consumers in the US and slightly higher than consumers in the UK.

added: 19-09-2008

Workers in Greece tend to work more hours than the average European, 45.4 hours per week in comparison to an average of 38.4 hours in the EU27 Member States, according to research from Eurofound.

added: 19-09-2008

Currently broadband is provided by telecommunications operators to their subscribers via the same copper wires that have been used for telephony since its invention in the 19th century. However, new broadband services such as online gaming, high-definition TV and interactive applications require ever higher bandwidths that cannot be provided over copper infrastructure. To provide these services it is necessary to replace the copper infrastructure connecting the end-users to the local switches (the "local loop") by optical fibre. These new fibre-based access networks are referred to as "Next Generation Access networks" or "NGAs".

added: 18-09-2008

Fitch Ratings says today that a series of adverse shocks and mounting pressures in the banking sector have tilted risks more to the downside although, as signalled by their Stable Outlooks, Fitch does not currently expect to change Russia's Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default ratings of 'BBB+'.

added: 18-09-2008

The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents increased from 6.8% in June 2008 to 7.0% in July. For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate was 0.7% in July 2008, the same as in June.

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