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added: 01-04-2008

Multifactor productivity, defined as output per combined units of labor and capital inputs, grew at an annual rate of 0.5 percent in the private business sector and 0.4 percent in the private nonfarm business sector for 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 01-04-2008

In just a few years renewable energy has gone from a trendy niche to a national imperative. Today thousands of employers in dozens of sectors are looking for employees.

added: 01-04-2008

The March'07 to March'08 decline is the first over-the-year decline and reflects a slowing in annual growth in 42 states, of which 14 states were negative. In March, there were 2.4 advertised vacancies posted online for every 100 persons in the labor force, down from a high of 2.9 in April 2007.

added: 01-04-2008

The domestic economy is weak, possibly even headed toward contraction. The drop in consumer confidence and durable goods orders last month point in this direction. Low confidence explains why consumer spending power continued to rise faster than consumer spending in February — a trend likely to continue through the spring.

added: 01-04-2008

The market is down 12. It has been up 13 and down 55. The SFE Futures suggested a 14 point rise in the market this morning.

added: 01-04-2008

U.S. exports grew by 24 percent and accounted for 11 percent of total U.S. dairy production in 2007, according to a new Rabobank report.

added: 31-03-2008

New research from BNY Mellon Asset Servicing reveals that in 2007, UK pension funds' holdings in Global Equities fell for the eighth consecutive year from 62.7% to 55.1%. This decline is largely due to funds continuing to reduce their weightings in UK Equities, which fell from 34.4% to 28.7%. This is the lowest ever allocation to this asset class. Overseas Equities also fell, from 28.3% to 26.4% and the split between UK and Overseas Equity is now almost 50/50.

added: 31-03-2008

The start of the financial crisis in the United States took a heavy toll on banks worldwide last year, but some players proved to be more resilient than others, according to The Boston Consulting Group's sixth annual report on creating value in banking.

added: 31-03-2008

The Committee upheld the position of the Parliament's first reading last June supporting a full export ban of metallic mercury, cinnabar ore, all mercury compounds and those mercury-containing products which are banned from sale in the EU, as well as an import ban, by December 2010.

added: 31-03-2008

The European car industry welcomes the clear trend towards CO2-related car taxation but warns that the environmental results may be negatively influenced by the widely varying systems in each country.

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