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added: 13-02-2008

Flash Networks, announced optimization techniques applied to HSDPA results in faster web browsing than ASDL enabling mobile operators to outperform ISP's.

added: 12-02-2008

Home values continued to decline in the fourth quarter of 2007, falling 3.5 percent from the third quarter and 3 percent year-over-year to a U.S. Zindex(R) home value indicator(1) of $224,890, according to Zillow's Q4 2007 Home Value Report(2). The Zindex is the median Zestimate(R) valuation and measures the value of all homes in an area, not just those that have sold during the quarter.

added: 12-02-2008

In 2005, GDP per inhabitant, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards, in the EU27's 271 NUTS-2 regions ranged from 24% of the EU27 average in the region of Nord-Est in Romania, to 303% of the average in Inner London in the United Kingdom.

added: 12-02-2008

Andrew Brown, Director of the Wireless Enterprise Strategies service, commented, “Spending on wireless solutions is expected to grow by 23% in the UK alone over the next two years, despite flat overall IT budgets in two-thirds of companies. In France and Germany, wireless spend per employee is expected to approach 100 Euros within 2 years”.

added: 12-02-2008

Emerging markets in Asia are unseating Europe as the epicenter of new hospitality investment and development while investors in the United States are switching their focus from the acquisition of existing hotels to developing new properties, according to a survey conducted by Ernst & Young.

added: 12-02-2008

In the second half of 2007, the economy slowed from 5 percent GDP growth (annualized) in the third quarter to only 0.6 percent in the fourth. Such a big change in momentum makes it feel like a recession, even if the economy is still growing (and therefore not technically in a recession).

added: 12-02-2008

As home prices and interest rates are finally starting to look attractive again, the nation's leading lenders announced increased delivery fees and new Loan Level Price Adjustments for anyone with a credit score below 680.

added: 12-02-2008

SVB Silicon Valley Bank, announced research findings that reveal 51 percent of Western U.S. wineries will transition to new ownership in the next 10 years.The full research report, "Ownership Transitions in the Wine Industry," is based on a comprehensive survey of family-owned wine businesses throughout California, Oregon and Washington.

added: 12-02-2008

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

added: 11-02-2008

As consumers spend more time on the Internet, companies are redistributing advertising dollars from traditional media to online media to follow this trend. In its quarterly wrap-up report, IDC says total U.S. Internet ad spending in the fourth quarter of 2007 (4Q07) grew nearly 28% over the same quarter in 2006 to $7.3 billion. For the full year 2007, online ad revenue grew 27% year over year to $25.5 billion.

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