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added: 22-10-2007

Two new reports from Eurofound’s European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC) throw light on the current situation in two sectors undergoing profound change: commerce and biomedical healthcare. Restructuring and developments in information technology are shaping the future of commerce – which includes wholesale and retail trade and the sale of motor vehicles – while biomedical healthcare is harnessing biotechnology to improve diagnostic methods, therapies and vaccines.

added: 22-10-2007

Regional and state unemployment rates were generally little changed in September. Overall, 23 states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, 18 states registered decreases, and 9 states had no changes, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 22-10-2007

Taken as a whole, consumers from Western European nations such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom are among the world’s keenest users of the Web.


added: 21-10-2007

comScore, Inc. released its monthly analysis of U.S. consumer activity at top online properties for September 2007 from its comScore Media Metrix service. Political sites gained as political controversies grabbed headlines and the 2008 presidential campaigns kicked into high gear. Sports sites grew amid football season excitement, and several retail categories appear in the ranking of top gaining categories. The religion category saw significant gains for the second consecutive month.

added: 20-10-2007

Americans have not abandoned their televisions, but some are moving their viewing to a different screen. About 16% of US Internet households watch TV broadcasts online, according to The Conference Board and TNS. Respondents said that TV on the Internet had replaced news programs as their most widely viewed online content.


added: 19-10-2007

Click Forensics™, Inc. released industry pay-per-click (PPC) fraud figures for the third quarter 2007 from the search advertising industry’s leading independent click fraud reporting service – the Click Fraud Index™.

added: 19-10-2007

The rush to wind continues apace, as global installed capacity of wind turbines reached 74 GW by the end of 2006, after additions of 14,985 MW during the year. It has been forecast that installed capacity of wind power will double to 142 GW by 2010 and will grow further.

added: 19-10-2007

Greenpeace is pleased to see two European Commission proposals for stronger rules on destructive fishing practices and a strengthened fisheries control system to deter and eliminate illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.

added: 19-10-2007

The Conference Board announced that the U.S. leading index increased 0.3 percent, the coincident index increased 0.2 percent and the lagging index increased 0.5 percent in September.


added: 19-10-2007

Median weekly earnings of the nation's 108.3 million full-time wage and salary workers were $695 in the third quarter of 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. This was 3.0 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 2.4 percent in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) over the same period.

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