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added: 17-09-2007

Elite Traveler / Prince & Associates has just released the results of a new pulse poll of over 866 rich consumers ($500K - $25M+ Net Worth) on how the current market volatility is affecting them.

added: 17-09-2007

In recent years, one of the most dynamic semiconductor application fields is automotive electronics. Among the automotive electronics applications in China, GPS navigation products are growing the fastest, which in turn has led to the fast-growing new market of GPS operations.

added: 16-09-2007

US mobile search advertising revenues are projected to reach $1.4 billion in 2012, up from $33.2 million in 2007, according to The Kelsey Group. The optimistic estimate represents a compound annual growth rate of 112%.

added: 16-09-2007

JupiterResearch reveals that acquiring and retaining young consumers will be key to success of premium mobile content and services. According to a new JupiterResearch report use of mobile services skews young with 47 percent of 15 to 18 year olds adopting them compared with only 17 percent of 35 to 44 year olds.

added: 16-09-2007

After 10 years of direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and growth of the US Internet population, the question is not who is searching for health information online but rather who isn't. The pharmaceutical industry has responded.

added: 15-09-2007

The number of consumer VoIP subscribers in the United States is estimated to reach 23.3 million by 2011, up from 11.8 million in the second quarter of 2007, according to TeleGeography's "US VoIP Research Service."

added: 15-09-2007

Slightly more than 46% of business people polled expect no to flat growth in the last half of 2007, according to a survey conducted by online opinion polling and market research service provider Vizu Corporation.

added: 15-09-2007

US local online advertising spending has a long way to go. The dollar gap between local online and local total media ad spending is huge, with $97 billion still going to offline media such as yellow pages and print newspapers. A mere 2.9% of all local ad spending will go online in 2007, or just $2.9 billion.

added: 14-09-2007

Euro area annual inflation was 1.7% in August 2007, down from 1.8% in July. A year earlier the rate was 2.3%. Monthly inflation was 0.1% in August 2007. EU annual inflation was 1.9% in August 2007, down from 2.0% in July. A year earlier the rate was 2.3%. Monthly inflation was 0.1% in August 2007.


added: 14-09-2007

The "decimated" housing market will continue to cause issues for the nation's economy and will not see any improvement until 2009, according to the Chief Economist for leading trade credit insurer Euler Hermes ACI.

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