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added: 18-09-2007

China's unprecedented economic growth machine relies overwhelmingly on an export-driven model that is fueled by numerous governmental policies which give certain industries including the stainless steel industry an unfair edge in the world marketplace, according to remarks made today by David A. Hartquist.

added: 18-09-2007

A cap-and-trade scheme for controlling greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) would impose significant economic costs on the U.S. economy and is not a sound policy response to current concerns about global warming, says renown economist Arthur Laffer.

added: 18-09-2007

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in a new major report upgraded its economic outlook and lowered inflation forecast for the Philippines in 2007 and 2008 on the back of solid growth posted by the domestic economy in the first half of the current year.

added: 18-09-2007

While many people are working hard to build home equity, retirement, college and personal savings, a recent survey revealed that a vast majority of them have not taken a very simple and inexpensive step to protect those assets from loss in a lawsuit.

added: 18-09-2007

The results of a newly released consumer survey commissioned by Tealeaf reveals waves of consumer frustration with issues they are encountering when using ecommerce websites. For the third consecutive year, about nine out of 10 consumers conducting transactions online (87%) have experienced problems.

added: 18-09-2007

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Spain increased 0.4 percent and the coincident index increased 0.3 percent in July.

added: 18-09-2007

With the looming Fed meeting, it's no wonder there are some out there who are a little nervous about the Fed's ability to resolve the current situation with the economy. The Fed has acted like a bear in hibernation lately when it comes to adjustments to the Fed funds rate.

added: 18-09-2007

Developing Asia’s export performance is critically influenced by the availability and quality of the services and infrastructure that form the backbone of efficient production chains and by factors that attract and provide comfort to foreign direct investors, a new major study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) says.

added: 18-09-2007

Robust investment, buoyant industrial expansion and moderate agricultural growth will ensure that India’s economy remains on a solid growth path in 2007 and 2008, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) says in a new major report.

added: 18-09-2007

Oil prices are likely to hit US$100 a barrel by the end of next year as soaring rates of domestic oil consumption in the world's leading oil producing nations cuts into their export capacity, forecasts the chief economist at CIBC World Markets.

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