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added: 12-06-2007

CID Consulting says China's DVD exports have slowed down, which is now testing enterprises' survival capacity. Affected by a relatively saturated and slowing global DVD market in the past 2 years, China's DVD export market maintained a trend of rising export volume but falling export value in 2006. For the whole year, export volume totaled 153.341 million sets, up by 4.0% year-on-year, marking a small growth over 2005. Export value stood at $6332.24 million, down by 4.6% year-on-year.

added: 12-06-2007

Seasonally adjusted industrial production decreased by 0.8% in the euro area (EA13) in April 2007 compared with March 2007. Production rose by 0.5% in both March and February. In the EU27 output fell by 0.4% in April, after increases of 0.5% in March and 0.4% in February. In April 2007 compared with April 2006, industrial production rose by 2.8% in the euro area and by 3.2% in the EU27.


added: 12-06-2007

A recent study by the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) found if a select 10 percent of the commercial fleet vehicle population switched to propane, the country could displace nearly 1 billion gallons of gasoline annually by 2017.

added: 12-06-2007

Driven by a booming global economy, more than two-thirds (69%) of multinational corporations reported an increase in the number of international assignments in 2006, the highest percentage in the history of the Global Relocation Trends Survey, published annually by GMAC Global Relocation Services. Continuing the optimistic tone, 65% of companies intend to send even more employees on assignment in 2007 as compared to 2006.

added: 12-06-2007

With the electronics manufacturing sector in eastern Europe witnessing tremendous growth in the past decade, the region is emerging as a new global hub for the electronics manufacturing industry. Regional factors such as reduced labour costs, increase of foreign direct investments (FDIs) and the growth in the production networks in the region, are influencing the growth in this industry and changing the overall dynamics of the market.

added: 12-06-2007

Three weeks into its aggressive spring retail and marketing campaigns, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group announced HD DVD is significantly ahead in the dedicated consumer electronics player market with 60% of all high definition set-top players sold. At the same time, high definition movie sales for HD DVD reached an all time high for the month of May, exceeding 75,000 movies the last week of May alone.

added: 12-06-2007

The Conference Board reports that the leading index for Japan increased 0.2 percent and the coincident index increased 0.2 percent in April.


added: 12-06-2007

It is the Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo!, eBay, AOL, Microsoft, News Ltd and Amazon, which by evolving their services and capabilities are forcing the industry to change. They are breaking down the old business models which were mainly built around monopolistic market structures.

added: 12-06-2007

Did you know that you might be riding around with an endangered species in your vehicle? If you look at your dashboard and see a tape deck slot, you may have a dinosaur riding along with you that is about to go extinct. And the compact disc (CD) player is next.

added: 12-06-2007

The latest composite leading indicators (CLIs) suggest that continued moderate economic expansion lies ahead in the OECD area. April 2007 data show improved performance in the CLI’s six month rate of change in the United States, Canada, France and the United Kingdom, while a downward trend is still apparent in Japan, Germany and Italy. The latest data for major OECD non-member economies point to continued steady expansion in China, India and Brazil, but a slightly weaker outlook for Russia.

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