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added: 12-06-2007

Fashion retailers are losing out on billions of dollars a year because sales staff are only engaging with 7% of customers who enter the store, yet if they approached four more customers in every 100 and were more aware of the all-important buying signals, sales would increase by 7%. Additionally, encouraging customers to use welcoming and well-serviced fitting rooms would see an additional uplift of 5%.

added: 12-06-2007

While cell phones are widely used across most segments of the U.S. adult population this is especially true for those under 30. Remarkably, over half of U.S. adults who only use a cell phone are under 30. And, furthermore, one-third of 18 to 29 year olds only use a cell phone or the Internet for making phone calls.

added: 11-06-2007

The standardised unemployment rate for the OECD area was 5.5% in April 2007, 0.1 percentage point lower than the previous month and 0.6 percentage point lower than a year earlier.

added: 11-06-2007

Standard & Poor's announced that the world's emerging and developed markets continue to post positive returns in 2007. According to Standard & Poor's global stock market review, The World By Numbers, the world's developed equity markets gained 2.98% in May while emerging stock markets rose 4.56% for the month.

added: 11-06-2007

The most important outcome of the convergence between telecommunications, media and IT is that the market is changing from stand-alone content and services (ie telephone, television, newspapers, radio) to multimedia (integrated content) applications and multimodal services (content delivered to various devices).

added: 11-06-2007

The Council has adopted politically the European Commission's proposal for an EU Roaming Regulation to bring down mobile roaming charges by up to 70%.

added: 11-06-2007

E-commerce in China continued to grow at a high speed in 2006 and penetrate industries. As a key application, insurance e-commerce is becoming a new growth point for the insurance industry. CCID Consulting believes that under good external conditions the insurance industry still needs to strengthen planning and coordination in order to develop.

added: 11-06-2007

South Africa's IT infrastructure outsourcing market will continue to show healthy levels of growth but will need to focus on the requirements of the SMME sector in order to effectively capitalise on existing opportunities.

added: 11-06-2007

Despite modest overall growth of 4% between 2005 and 2006 and similar rates predicted for 2007 and 2008, the market for swimming pool equipment and maintenance products is expected to gain momentum, jumping 26% over the next four years to an estimated $3.8 billion, according to the U.S. Market for Swimming Pool Equipment and Maintenance Products, a new report from market research publisher SBI, a division of

added: 11-06-2007

"After dipping below 1% in the first quarter, real GDP already appears well on its way to exceed 3% in the second quarter - a little above its trend rate. A dramatic drawdown in inventories, in particular, left production with nowhere to go but up. Even automakers, which have been draining inventories for a year, are now scrambling to restock dealer lots," says Diane Swonk, chief economist of Mesirow Financial, in her June edition of Themes on the Economy.

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