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added: 22-03-2007

Key indicators, including The Conference Board U.S. Leading Economic Index and Consumer Confidence, are signaling a pick-up in the U.S. economy, growth of which will still approach 3 percent, according to an analysis released by The Conference Board.

added: 21-03-2007

PayPal announced that it has nearly 35 million accounts in Europe. This milestone demonstrates the growing popularity of PayPal among internet consumers and merchants across Europe.

added: 21-03-2007

America's leading retailers will open over 94,000 new store locations over the next five years, according to the 2007 Retail Tenant Directory, released today by Nielsen Trade Dimensions.

added: 21-03-2007

China's display market maintained a high-speed growth in 2006, with a sales volume of 23.083 million displays, an increase of 22.2% over 2005, and sales revenue of 29.39 billion Yuan, up by 17.4% year-on-year.

added: 21-03-2007

The Conference Board announced today that the leading index for Spain increased 0.7 percent and the coincident index increased 0.4 percent in January.


added: 21-03-2007

Real average weekly earnings fell by 0.3 percent from January to February after seasonal adjustment, according to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.

added: 21-03-2007

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods advanced 1.3 percent in February, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S.Department of Labor reported. This increase followed a 0.6-percent decline in January and a 0.9-percent rise in December. At the earlier stages of processing, the intermediate goods index turned up 1.1 percent after falling 0.7 percent in the previous month, and prices for crude goods climbed 8.9 percent following a 6.3-percent decrease in January.

added: 21-03-2007

Foodwatch has discovered that the international smuggling of meat-and-bone meal has greater dimensions than assumed beforehand and is indeed an EU-wide problem. According to Eurostat, the EU's office for statistics, more than 242,000 tonnes of animal meal were exported to Non-EU-Countries. This is an increase of 150 percent compared to the previous year (97,000 tonnes).

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