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added: 11-06-2009

Younger workers are bearing the brunt of the current economic crisis, while older employees show greater resiliency in a recession-battered workplace where employers seek to do more with less, according to a new study by Boston College's Sloan Center on Aging & Work.

added: 11-06-2009

All work and no play makes for a dull summer, a new survey suggests. Flexible schedules (38 percent) and leaving work early on Fridays (32 percent) are the most coveted summer benefits, according to workers polled.

added: 11-06-2009

Trust for America's Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) released a new public opinion survey which finds that Americans rank prevention as the most important health care reform priority, and overwhelmingly support increasing funding for prevention programs to reduce disease and keep people healthy.

added: 10-06-2009

As optimism in the U.S. economy appears to have bottomed at a 16-year low and is now showing signs of recovery, 83 percent of CEOs interviewed for PricewaterhouseCoopers' Private Company Trendsetter Barometer survey report taking important business measures to offset the current and future impact of the recession, with 51 percent characterizing these efforts as "major."

added: 10-06-2009

EU Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton and Stockwell Day, Canadian Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, set in motion negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) that could provide up to EUR 20 bn per year in additional benefits to the two economies. Commissioner Ashton and Minister Day met at the Conference de Montreal, where both spoke at a plenary session on the economic crisis and international trade. The two agreed that the first full round of formal negotiations for the CETA, at senior official level, should take place in October.

added: 10-06-2009

Despite more than a year of bad news as the manufacturing sector continues to contract, a new annual index released by Deloitte LLP and The Manufacturing Institute shows that Americans view manufacturing as the most important industry for a strong national economy. There is a wide perception gap, however, between the public's highly positive views of manufacturing's contributions to America's economic success and their negative views about pursuing a career in manufacturing.

added: 10-06-2009

A struggling economy and stricter lending criteria have pushed more consumers toward used vehicle loans, according to a quarterly analysis of the automotive credit market released by Experian Automotive.

added: 10-06-2009

The Deloitte Consumer Spending Index declined again in May, driven downward primarily by the housing market. The Index attempts to track consumer cash flow as an indicator of future consumer spending.

added: 10-06-2009

In May, producer price index (PPI) for manufactured goods was down by 7.2 percent year-on-year; purchasing prices for raw material, fuels and power fell 10.4 percent.

added: 10-06-2009

A further increase in both new buyer enquiries and sales, as well as a reduction in the level of stocks on surveyors books has begun to provide some support for property prices, says RICS’ UK housing market survey.

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