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added: 29-05-2009

Manpower Inc. released the results of its fourth annual talent shortage survey, revealing that 30 percent of employers across the globe continue to struggle to fill positions available despite the global economic downturn.

added: 29-05-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for the Euro Area increased 1.8 percent in April to 93.8 (2004 = 100), following a 0.1 percent decrease in March and a 0.2 percent fall in February. All of the components made positive contributions to the index this month.

added: 29-05-2009

Fitch Ratings' European Senior Credit Investor Survey for March 2009 shows a minor calming of investors' negative risk perceptions. Although the recession is anticipated to last longer in some key regions, asset class conditions are viewed as slightly better by respondents to the latest edition of the quarterly survey.

added: 29-05-2009

The so-called "hidden health tax" for family health care coverage grew to $1,017 in 2008 according to a report released by the consumer health organization Families USA.

added: 28-05-2009

In 2007, one third of the EU27 population lived in a household that couldn't afford an unexpected expenditure, corresponding in each Member State to a set share of the national at-risk-of poverty threshold. In the EU27, 7% of population lived in a household that had been unable to pay as scheduled utility bills for their main dwelling in the last 12 months and 3% in a household that had been unable to pay either rent or mortgage payment.

added: 28-05-2009

Engineers, Nurses and Skilled/Manual Trades are among the nation's most challenging positions to fill, according to survey findings released by Manpower Inc.

added: 28-05-2009

Underlying the global economic recession is an unfolding human rights crisis with growing signs of unrest and political violence that risk even greater repression, inequality, racism and violence around the world, said Amnesty International in its 2009 annual report on the state of human rights.

added: 28-05-2009

The share of families with an unemployed member rose from 6.3 percent in 2007 to 7.8 percent in 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. The proportion of families with an unemployed member in 2008 neared the recent peak of 8.1 percent in 2003. Of the nation's 77.9 million families, 82.2 percent had at least one employed member in 2008, down by 0.4 percentage point from 2007.

added: 28-05-2009

Despite the turmoil in the financial world, 2008 saw a doubling of the global carbon market, to an estimated value of more than US$ 126 billion, according to the latest State and Trends of the Carbon Market Report 2009, released by the World Bank at Carbon Expo in Barcelona.

added: 28-05-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for Australia increased 0.4 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) increased 0.2 percent in March.

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