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added: 11-02-2009

Consumer price index (CPI) growth in January of 2009 was 1.0 percent over the same period of the previous year. Of which, urban area and rural area up by 0.7 and 1.5 percent respectively; the price of foodstuff, consumable expanded 4.2, 1.5 percent while price for non-foodstuff, services down by 0.6 and 0.8 percent respectively. CPI got an increase of 0.9 percent comparing with December, 2008: the price of foodstuff increased 3.3 percent, of which, fresh vegetable surged 22.4 percent and fresh egg up by 0.8 percent.

added: 11-02-2009

Having shown relative resilience amid the increasingly challenging economic conditions at the end of 2008, German online recruitment activity fell sharply at the start of 2009, as heavy industries such as production, manufacturing, maintenance and repair suffered sharp declines. Meanwhile, engineering also saw a sharp decline, suggesting their work pipeline is also under pressure. Despite a sharp fall in healthcare positions, the sector remains near historically high levels.

added: 11-02-2009

The Monster Employment Index UK decreased by 30 points in January, continuing the overall downtrend seen since February 2008.

added: 11-02-2009

The Monster Employment Index France dropped 25 points in January, bringing the Index to its lowest level since September 2005. The decline this month in the Index reflects significantly weaker demand in the engineering; legal; and management and consulting sectors. Year-on-year the Index declined 38 points, or 27 percent.

added: 11-02-2009

2008 has been a challenging year for the Aerospace Manufacturing industry with its record breaking oil price hike in decades, which has seen amplified logistics costs due to the globalized nature of manufacturing supply chain. This has resulted in many business experts disagreeing with the idea of expanding a company network of suppliers to other low costs countries because in the end they will still have to pay extra on the logistic costs.

added: 11-02-2009

While Congress debates an economic recovery bill, many middle-aged and older Americans are finding it difficult to stay above water. According to a recent AARP survey, over half of people 45 and older are having difficulty paying for the basics, such as medicine and utilities with many fearing losing their jobs and health care in 2009.

added: 11-02-2009

Ecological, energy, and economic concerns urge China to push the bio-fuel industry forward. The Chinese bio-fuel industry is divided into two sub-segments, the bio-ethanol sector and the bio-diesel sector. In terms of market size, China has the third largest bio-fuel market around the globe, only after the U.S. and Brazil. China was estimated to produce more than 360 kt of bio-diesel and 1,620 kt of bio-ethanol in 2008. During the past eight years, China has primarily established a legal and administrative system for bio-fuel, especially for the bio-ethanol industry.

added: 11-02-2009

A study released by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) shows that workers increasingly see defined contribution plans (401(k)-type) as their primary retirement plan type, with about two-thirds of workers identifying these as their most important plan.

added: 10-02-2009

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for the U.K. declined 0.6 percent in December to 93.8 (2004 = 100), following a 1.0 percent fall in November and a 1.8 percent drop in October. Volume of expected output, consumer confidence and order book volume continued to make negative contributions to the index.

added: 10-02-2009

Emerging East Asia's local currency bond markets are expected to expand this year with several governments likely to sell debt to pump-prime their economies. Companies are also expected to turn to local markets to refinance or raise fresh funds, says the latest issue of the Asian Development Bank’s Asia Bond Monitor (ABM).

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