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added: 03-02-2009

Pension funds that used so-called liability-driven investment (LDI) strategies outperformed funds with traditional asset allocations in 2008 by a significant margin, according to Watson Wyatt, a global consulting firm.

added: 03-02-2009

Banks in the United States ARE lending. In the midst of so much misleading information around lending activities of U.S. banks, as well as banks' use of the federal bailout money, Treasury Strategies Partners, Anthony J. Carfang and Cathryn R. Gregg, are compelled to set the record straight with the open letter to congress that appears below.

added: 03-02-2009

A new Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac refinance program could bring significant relief for the mortgage crisis. According to Rodney Anderson, the nation's #1 producer of FHA and VA loans, initiating streamline refinances for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will enable more homeowners to transition into quality loans, which would not only prevent future foreclosures, defaults and delinquencies, but would also help stimulate the economy and provide the government with a monthly influx of mortgage insurance revenue.

added: 03-02-2009

Online advertised vacancies declined 506,000 to 3,355,000 in January, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted Online Data Series. The January loss, combined with a similar sharp drop of 507,000 in December, results in a decline of over 1 million advertised vacancies, or 23 percent, in the last two months.

added: 03-02-2009

In 2008, more wind power was installed in the EU than any other electricity generating technology. Statistics released by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) show that 43% of all new electricity generating capacity built in the European Union last year was wind energy, exceeding all other technologies including gas, coal and nuclear power.

added: 03-02-2009

While many employers throughout the United States may be cutting back on overall staffing levels during the economic recession, companies also recognize this period of time as an opportunity to hire top-quality job candidates. The challenge, recruiters say, is managing tighter recruiting budgets and picking out top job performers in a flood of increased resume submissions.

added: 03-02-2009

Companies worldwide are shifting their investor relations strategies to deal with fallout from the credit crisis and boosting communications with analysts and investors, according to an annual survey conducted by The Bank of New York Mellon.

added: 03-02-2009

Green business activity has continued to grow, even during a down economy, but the aggregate environmental progress being made is marginal, according to a new report, titled "State of Green Business 2009," the second annual report of its kind published by

added: 02-02-2009

In the framework of its strategy to better combat tax evasion and fraud, the European Commission adopted two proposals for new Directives aimed at improving mutual assistance between Member States' tax authorities in the assessment and the recovery of taxes. One of the key elements of the proposals is that Member States would no longer be able to invoke bank secrecy in order to refuse cross border co-operation.

added: 02-02-2009

Three areas of services which really matter to people – energy, banking and transport (trains, buses and trams) – are causing the most problems for consumers, according to a new EU Report published by the European Commission.

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