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added: 17-07-2008

Government support of biofuel production in OECD countries is costly, has a limited impact on reducing greenhouse gases and improving energy security, and has a significant impact on world crop prices, according to a new study of policies to promote greater production and use of biofuel in OECD countries.

added: 17-07-2008

Real average weekly earnings fell by 0.9 percent from May to June after seasonal adjustment, according to preliminary data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. A 0.3 percent increase in average hourly earnings partially offset a 1.2 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Average weekly hours were unchanged.

added: 16-07-2008

While a softening economy, impatient investors, and tough financing terms imposed by banks will continue to pose challenges in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market, a new study from audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG LLP identified five common practices that differentiate the leading corporate deal-making teams from others.

added: 16-07-2008

Americans are cutting their spending and savings habits, but they are not yet resorting to additional debt to get through tough financial times. The new COUNTRY Financial survey shows most people are stopping short of tapping into credit and existing savings to make ends meet, despite the fact that nearly three in four Americans (73 percent) think their financial security will not improve this year.

added: 16-07-2008

The Legal Affairs Committee wants the Commission to propose new rules so that companies are not left in the dark on the investment policies of hedge funds or private equity investors who buy up their shares. They also want EU-wide measures to prevent asset stripping of companies targeted by private equity investors, and for much more light to be shed on pay and bonus packaged for fund managers.

added: 16-07-2008

Among issues already influencing the debate on next year's EU budget are the European Parliament's new legislative and budgetary powers if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified and the membership of the next Commission and EP. A report by Jutta HAUG (PES, DE) on the budget framework and priorities for 2009 is the first programming text adopted by MEPs as part of preparations for the EU's next annual budget.

added: 15-07-2008

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased 1.8 percent in June, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. This increase followed advances of 1.4 percent in May and 0.2 percent in April. At the earlier stages of processing, prices received by producers of intermediate goods rose 2.1 percent in June after moving up 2.9 percent in the prior month, and the crude goods index increased 3.7 percent following a 6.7-percent gain in May.

added: 15-07-2008

The current economic slump in the US has not had a major impact on the Asia-Pacific contact centre applications market in 2007. Except for the Philippines where some deals were deferred, almost all other Asia-Pac countries saw contact centres increasing their investments on equipment and applications to improve customer interaction services.

added: 15-07-2008

The taxes Americans pay as consumers - in retail stores, at the gas pump or for cigarettes - are trending higher, according to CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business and a leading provider of tax, accounting and audit information, software and services.

added: 15-07-2008

Second quarter mortgage fraud activity doubled from a year earlier, according to the FraudBlogger Index published by

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