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added: 01-07-2008

The European Commission has adopted its 2007 Annual Report on Competition Policy, which gives an overview of the main developments in competition policy. It outlines key changes to competition rules and policy as well as major enforcement actions. Using concrete examples it demonstrates how the tools of competition policy were used to reinforce Europe's competitiveness and to protect consumers and businesses from anticompetitive conduct.

added: 01-07-2008

The latest quarterly job forecast from and USA TODAY points to a continued, gradual downshift in job creation as businesses grapple with the effects of subpar economic growth, escalating oil prices, the credit collapse and timid consumer spending.

added: 01-07-2008

The euro area (EA15) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate stood at 7.2% in May 2008, unchanged compared with April. It was 7.5% in May 2007. The EU27 unemployment rate was 6.8% in May 2008, compared with 6.7% in April. It was 7.2% in May 2007.

added: 01-07-2008

According to MENA Economic Prospects and Developments 2008, the GDP of the MENA region grew by 5.7 percent in 2007, marking the fifth year in a row that average growth was above 5 percent. While this is impressive in relation to past performance, it is lower than growth achieved in most other parts of the developing world. To keep up in an increasingly competitive global environment, the region will have to continue to make structural reforms in business climate, trade policy and governance.

added: 01-07-2008

A new analysis of the mobile payments opportunity forecasts that the gross transaction value of payments made via mobile phone for digital goods (such as music, tickets and games) and physical goods (typically gifts and books) will exceed $300bn globally by 2013.

added: 01-07-2008

comScore, Inc. released findings on the Asia-Pacific market from its report "The State of the Global Internet with a Focus on Asia".

added: 01-07-2008

The British economy continues to go from worse to bad with consumer sentiment now at levels not seen since the early 1990s, growth slumping, house prices down nine months in a row, another bank with problems and the country's biggest home builder rescued.

added: 01-07-2008

In June 2008, there were 3,800,600 online advertised job vacancies, virtually unchanged from May, and 480,000 or 11.2 percent below the June 2007 level, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Series™ (HWOL). This is the fourth consecutive month of year-over-year declines for the nation as a whole. In June, there were 2.5 advertised vacancies posted online for every 100 persons in the labor force, down from a high of 2.9 in May 2007.

added: 01-07-2008

The big news of the week was that consumer expectations hit rock bottom. People are worried about jobs and incomes. They're worried about higher gasoline prices, grocery costs, even higher costs for doctor visits, prescriptions, and health insurance. Yes, consumer spending went up in May, as rebate checks came in. That money was spent on gas and groceries. Consumer spending on durable goods, big ticket items, rose by 0.1 percent, only a very slight uptick from spending in April.

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