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added: 23-06-2008

In May, employers took 1,626 mass layoff actions, seasonally adjusted, as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits during the month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single employer; the number of workers involved totaled 171,387, on a seasonally adjusted basis.

added: 23-06-2008

Virtually all regional and state jobless rates increased in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, while one state had a rate decrease. Over the year, jobless rates were up in 44 states and the District of Columbia and down in 6 states. The national unemployment rate rose from 5.0 in April to 5.5 percent in May, a full percentage point higher than a year earlier.

added: 23-06-2008

Fitch Ratings has assigned the Republic of Poland's EUR2bn Eurobond an 'A-' (A minus) rating. The bond, issued under the Republic of Poland's euro medium-term note programme (EMTN), matures on 20 June 2028. The rating is in line with Poland's 'A-' (A minus) Long-term foreign currency Issuer Default rating (IDR), which has a Stable Outlook.

added: 23-06-2008

A new economic report released Friday, June 20, during the U.S. Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting in Miami reveals that U.S. economic growth for 2008 has weakened considerably, while unemployment and consumer prices have risen sharply.

added: 23-06-2008

EU Consumer Commissioner Meglena Kuneva announced the results of a new EU wide survey on e-commerce and cross border trade. The figures show that even though e-commerce is taking off at national level, cross-border e-commerce is failing to keep pace. From 2006 to 2008, the share of all EU consumers that have bought at least one item over the internet has increased significantly (from 27% to 33%) whilst cross border e-commerce is stable (6% to 7%).

added: 23-06-2008

Despite recent challenges to the economy, employers are managing to maintain a balance in employee benefits, according to the 2008 Employee Benefits Survey.

added: 23-06-2008

The US economy is likely to "stagnate" in the second half of this year, the International Monetary Fund warned on Friday, with no real growth in activity until well into next year.

added: 23-06-2008

More than 40 percent of employees report they are very satisfied with their jobs, according to the 2008 Job Satisfaction survey report released by SHRM. Eight out of 10 employees report overall satisfaction.

added: 23-06-2008

Total compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.7 percent from December 2007 to March 2008, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 22-06-2008

China's automobile industry developed rapidly in 2007. Auto production kept increasing, reaching nearly 9 million, up 22.6% over 2006.

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