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added: 19-06-2008

Fitch Ratings believes that U.S. packaged food and agribusiness companies face increased risk of credit deterioration as commodity prices soar, according to a special report.

added: 19-06-2008

The OECD is to work with developed and developing countries and international organisations to improve policies for the Internet economy and increase international co-operation on issues such as cybercrime and security.

added: 19-06-2008

Are rising oil prices mainly the result of long term economic changes at global level, or is speculation more of a factor? Should taxes on energy be cut across the board to help consumers and businesses, or should support be targeted on those hardest hit? These were some of the issues raised in a debate with Council and Commission on the impact of the high oil and energy prices.

added: 19-06-2008

Commercial real estate vacancies are trending up modestly, while investment has dropped sharply in the wake of the credit crunch, according to preliminary information for the latest COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE OUTLOOK of the National Association of Realtors(R).

added: 19-06-2008

The United States and China will remain the prime destinations for foreign direct investment over the next five years, while global corporations continue to expand their investments in emerging economies in a quest for access to new customers and favorable operating conditions, according to a new study released by KPMG International.

added: 19-06-2008

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Germany declined 0.2 percent, while the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in April.

added: 19-06-2008 released the results of its analysis of trends in the credit card lending industry for the first quarter of 2008. The report is part of an ongoing series of quarterly consumer lending sector analyses focusing on credit card, auto loan and mortgage data that may be found on TransUnion's Web site.

added: 18-06-2008

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net), published its Annual Report for 2007 reflecting a productive year, helping more than 55.000 consumers with information and advice on cross border shopping, both in person and online, ensuring that they are aware of their rights, and providing support in handling complaints. Consumers increasingly turn to the ECCs for help, with an increase of 5000 contacts since 2006. In 2007, most complaints tackled by ECCs concerned contract terms (25%), product and service (22,4%), and delivery (20%).

added: 18-06-2008

European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas welcomed the progress made by many Member States in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions in 2006. The emissions inventory compiled by the European Environment Agency for 2006, the latest year for which complete data is available, shows that EU-15 emissions dropped by 0.8% from 2005, taking emissions to 2.7% below their levels in the base year (1990 in most cases). This puts the EU-15 well on track to meeting its Kyoto Protocol target of keeping average emissions between 2008 and 2012 at least 8% below base year levels.

added: 18-06-2008

With more than a million people filing for bankruptcy in 2007, a new study by Elizabeth Warren, a Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at the Harvard Law School who compiled the study for AARP's Public Policy Institute (PPI), shows that the rate of bankruptcy filings among those 65 and older has more than doubled since 1991.

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