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added: 14-01-2008

Two hundred and thirty-five venture capital firms raised $34.7 billion in 2007 according to Thomson Financial and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA).

added: 14-01-2008

ChangeWave Research's latest consumer spending survey points to a recession in U.S. consumer spending.

added: 14-01-2008

Consumers across Europe would be able to make better informed choices when they take out consumer credit loans - paying for holidays, weddings or a new car - following a vote in the European Parliament on Wednesday 16th January 2008. The proposed EU Directive on Consumer Credit Loans aims to break open the €800 billion EU consumer loans market which remains largely fragmented into national markets denying consumers choice and more competitive prices. The new rules will make the market more transparent for consumers and business competitors.

added: 14-01-2008

In November 2007 the majority of euro area average MFI interest rates on new deposits and new loans remained broadly unchanged.

added: 14-01-2008

The U.S. Import Price Index was unchanged in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. A 0.3
percent increase in nonpetroleum prices was offset by a 0.6 percent decline in the price index for petroleum. U.S. export prices advanced 0.4 percent in December following a 0.9 percent rise in November.

added: 14-01-2008

U.S. consumers should brace for $4.50 gallon gas prices in the near future as global oil supply will increasingly have trouble keeping pace with demand, forecasts a new energy report from CIBC World Markets.

added: 14-01-2008

Retailers from China and Russia have for the first time entered the list of the world's 250 largest retailers, according to a new report, 2008 Global Powers of Retail, from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, in conjunction with STORES magazine.

added: 13-01-2008

Acision, the messaging and charging company of choice for over 300 network operators and service providers worldwide, announced that according to their figures, global SMS traffic over the 2007/2008 New Year period increased by 30 per cent compared to the same period last year. Around the world, phone users sent a staggering 43 billion text messages to wish their loved ones a happy New Year - of which more than 23 billion were successfully processed through Acision's systems.

added: 13-01-2008

Network operators are planning to roll out all-IP networks beginning in the next two years, according to a new Research Brief from ABI Research.

added: 13-01-2008

The global market for operations support systems (OSS) - the computing and software IT infrastructure that performs engineering, provisioning, and management functions in telecommunications networks - will exceed $46 billion in 2008, explains a new report by Insight Research.

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