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added: 19-12-2007

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank have agreed to step up their co-operation in a number of key areas, including efforts to promote sustainable and inclusive growth in emerging economies, the economics of climate change, aid for trade, innovation and the design of comprehensive country frameworks for investment.

added: 19-12-2007

RealtyTrac(R) released its November 2007 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows a total of 201,950 foreclosure filings - default notices, auction sale notices and bank repossessions - were reported during the month, down 10 percent from the previous month but still up nearly 68 percent from November 2006. The national foreclosure rate for the month was one foreclosure filing for every 617 households.

added: 19-12-2007

comScore, Inc. released an update of holiday season e-commerce spending for the first 46 days of the November - December 2007 holiday season (November 1 - December 16). More than $23 billion has been spent online during the season-to-date, marking a 19-percent gain versus the corresponding days last year.

added: 19-12-2007

The World Bank’s Department of Institutional Integrity (INT) made significant contributions to the global fight against corruption in Fiscal Year 2007, with a 25 percent increase in closed investigations from the previous fiscal year, the launch of a Voluntary Disclosure Program to deter private-sector corruption, and agreement on a coordinated approach to rooting out corruption among the International Financial Institutions, says a new report from the Bank.

added: 19-12-2007

As worldwide Broadband penetration continues its frenetic pace, Strategy Analytics estimates over one billion discrete broadband users in 2008. The vast majority of this growth will come from emerging markets, according to company analysts. Notably, the current trajectory of Broadband growth outpaces mobile.

added: 18-12-2007

Growth in the euro-area economy rebounded in the third quarter of 2007, but economic activity is expected to moderate in the next few quarters, indicates the Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA).

added: 18-12-2007

The European Commission has published a White Paper on the Integration of EU Mortgage Markets. The White Paper summarises the conclusions of a comprehensive review of European residential mortgage markets and presents a balanced 'package' of measures to improve the efficiency and the competitiveness of these markets, to the benefit of consumers, mortgage lenders and investors alike. This is to be achieved in particular through improvement in the areas of cross-border supply, product diversity, consumer empowerment and customer mobility.

added: 18-12-2007

The Autumn Eurobarometer shows that general attitudes of citizens towards the EU and its institutions remain highly positive. However, EU citizens are increasingly worried about the economic situation in their country and notably by inflation.

added: 18-12-2007

The first estimate for the euro area (EA13) trade balance with the rest of the world in October 2007 gave a 6.1 bn euro surplus, compared with +2.4 bn in October 2006. The September 2007 balance was +3.7 bn, compared with +2.3 bn in September 2006. In October 2007 compared with September 2007, seasonally adjusted exports rose by 2.3% and imports by 2.0%.


added: 18-12-2007

China’s city gas industry has developed rapidly in the past years: for 2005, the popularity rate reached 92%. The output and storage capacity of natural gas was up to 50-60 billion m3 and 8.23 million m3 respectively, and the consumption of natural gas and LPG achieved 17.54 billion m3 and 13.673 million tons separately.

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