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added: 12-12-2007

Two out of three Europeans use credit to buy furniture, a washing machine or a car. Yet the market in consumer credit is still a national one. The EP Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee voted on Monday at second reading on plans to stimulate the European market while still protecting consumers.

added: 12-12-2007

On the last business day of October, there were 4.1 million job openings in the United States, and the job openings rate was 2.9 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. The job openings, hires, and total separations rates were all essentially unchanged in October.

added: 12-12-2007

The seasonally adjusted number of persons employed in the euro area (EA13) rose by 0.3% (407 000 persons) during the third quarter of 2007, according to provisional national accounts estimates published by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities.

added: 12-12-2007

Increasing numbers of Indian people are seeing their own country as a future leading global power. In many other parts of the world, people also expect India to be a global player amongst the big powers in a few years.

added: 12-12-2007

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Korea increased 2.3 percent and the coincident index increased 0.5 percent in October.

added: 12-12-2007

comScore, Inc. released an update of holiday season e-commerce spending for the first 39 days (November 1 - December 9) of the November - December 2007 holiday season. Nearly $19 billion has been spent online during the season-to-date, marking an 18-percent gain versus the corresponding days last year.

added: 12-12-2007

While supporting the extension of some temporary measures allowing specific Member States to impose lower than standard rates of VAT on certain goods and services, a report adopted by Parliament argues that all Member States should be able to use lower rates, if they wish, for locally supplied services and for basic goods and services where there is a clear social, economic or environmental benefit from doing so.

added: 12-12-2007

The region’s telecommunications sector was clearly benefiting from the healthy economic environment. Asia’s mobile market has continued to grow strongly, having passed the one billion subscriber milestone in late 2006, the market expanded at an annual rate of almost 30% in 2007.

added: 12-12-2007

Fitch Ratings has said that it believes 2008 will be a considerably more challenging year for major European banks than 2007. The largely positive ratings trend in recent years will be eroded as bank earnings come under increasing pressure from the ongoing financial market turmoil, the agency says in a special report, entitled "Outlook for Major European Banks in 2008: More Stormy Waters Ahead".

added: 12-12-2007

Americans have lost confidence in their personal level of financial security, but it does not seem to have dampened their optimism about the year ahead. That's according to the survey for this month's COUNTRY Financial Security Index. Despite a 1.1 point dip in the Index in December, 72 percent of Americans think next year will be the same or better for them financially.

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