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added: 11-12-2007

In 2008, regulatory issues will confront the insurance industry and put increasing pressure on companies to become more efficient, enhance technology-related processes and alter their business models, according to Ernst & Young's Global Insurance Center. Moreover, in spite of continued financial growth, life insurance companies need to maximize existing opportunities to meet the growing demand for cost-effective products for baby boomers and the underserved middle-market.

added: 11-12-2007

Retail e-commerce continues to grow in the largest Western European economies, although smaller countries are likely to take market share from them in the coming years.

added: 10-12-2007

The European Commission presented a new action plan to promote job mobility across Europe by tackling the remaining obstacles faced by people seeking to work in another EU country. It puts forward a new integrated approach and lists 15 concrete actions for the period 2007-2010 involving national, regional and local – as well as European – authorities.

added: 10-12-2007

In the EU27, 94% of enterprises had access to the internet in January 2007, compared with 92% in 2006, and 77% had a broadband connection, compared with 73% in 2006.

added: 10-12-2007

The standardised unemployment rate for the OECD area was 5.5% in October 2007, 0.1 percentage point lower than the previous month and 0.4 percentage point lower than a year earlier.

added: 10-12-2007

comScore, Inc. released an update of holiday season e-commerce spending for the first 37 days (November 1 - December 7) of the November - December 2007 holiday season. More than $18 billion has been spent online during the season-to-date, marking an 18-percent gain versus the corresponding days last year. Thursday, December 6 recorded $803 million in online sales, up 28 percent versus year ago, making it the heaviest online spending day in history.

added: 10-12-2007

Colorado and Thailand are considered by petroleum industry experts as being the most attractive places in the world for investment in oil and gas exploration and development, according to the results of the first global survey of upstream petroleum companies released by independent research organization The Fraser Institute.

added: 10-12-2007

Mobile TV will have 140 million subscribers by 2011, according to Screen Digest's "Mobile TV: Business Models and Opportunities."

added: 10-12-2007

Brunei, Singapore and Hong Kong, China, rank among the top five economies in developing Asia and the Pacific in terms of real per capita income, says a new study undertaken on purchasing power parities in the region.

added: 10-12-2007

In October 2007 the majority of euro area average MFI interest rates on new deposits were higher than in the previous month, while no overall pattern was observed for average MFI interest rates on new loans.

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