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added: 26-11-2007

China and India play an increasing role in EU27 trade. China, which was the fourth trading partner of the EU27 in 2000, has since 2003 become the second trading partner after the USA. India, which was the 17th trading partner in 2000, ranked ninth in 2006.


added: 26-11-2007

In 2006, labour markets in the EU made a robust recovery, thanks to economic upswing and labour market reforms in many EU Member States. After rather modest increases in previous years, average employment growth in the EU-27 picked up significantly in 2006 and, at 1.4%, was at its strongest since 2000. For the first time in at least a decade, employment expanded across the entire EU, with all 27 Member States showing a rise in employment.

added: 26-11-2007

comScore, Inc. released an update of holiday season e-commerce spending covering the first 23 days (November 1 - 23) of the November - December 2007 holiday season.

added: 25-11-2007

Consumer gift cards were the hottest item of last year’s holiday season. Naturally, stores are pushing them again this holiday season—but maybe for a reason few consumers suspect.

added: 25-11-2007

The next phase of telecom growth will be driven by broadband paradigm, said Mr. R R Shah, Member Secretary, Planning Commission at a conference on "Connecting the Next 500 Million: Telecom Roadmap for the 11th Five Year Plan 2007 12", organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry.

added: 24-11-2007

comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the search marketplace. Among core search engines in October 2007, Google Sites remained the top search property with more than 6.1 billion core searches conducted, representing a 58.5 percent share of the search market. October was a strong month for overall search activity, as each of the five core search engines achieved at least 5 percent growth in the number of searches conducted.


added: 24-11-2007

In the music industry, the transition to digital platforms is underway, but it may not be soon enough.

added: 24-11-2007

Financial services remain the largest online advertising category in the United States, after the conglomeration of “consumer related” categories such as automotive and media advertisers.

added: 23-11-2007

China's booming construction sector comes fifth in the East Asian league table of building costs, reveals a newly published survey of the world's fastest growing economic regions, conducted by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The cost of building in China - the fastest growing major economy in the world - is comfortably behind those of its more developed neighbors, but there are signs of skills shortages that could inject inflationary pressure into the system. These costs remain a fraction of the building costs in Western countries such as the UK.

added: 23-11-2007

As a follow-up of the Communication for a European strategy to combat tax fraud and on request of the ECOFIN Council in June 2007, the European Commission has adopted a communication containing a number of key elements for improving Member States' capacity to tackle VAT fraud, in particular missing trader fraud (carousel fraud). The purpose of the Communication is to seek political guidance for future work from the ECOFIN Council meeting on 4 December 2007.

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