Over the last 18 years, there's no doubting Romania has worked hard to shed its Ceausescu past. The whole country, led by its buoyant economy, is on the way up, but what is driving the property market and what are the options for potential investors?
IBISWorld, Inc., released a Special Report detailing which U.S. industries are most vulnerable to an ongoing erosion in consumer confidence in the foreseeable future.
Since the first half of 2007, China's communications industry has maintained stable and sound development. In the past few years, China's Ministry of Information Industry established policies in the spirit of accomplishing the goal of becoming a great power in telecom industry. The whole market has maintained rapid growth in the first half of 2007.
Sales of apparel are the largest and fastest-growing US online retail category. Convenience and finding bargains remain consumers' key motivations for buying apparel online. At the same time, several surveys show many consumers prefer buying clothing in a store.
Existing-home sales were essentially unchanged in July, with increases in the West and Northeast offset by a decline in the Midwest, according to the National Association of Realtors.
The Council of Mortgage Lenders stated earlier this month that because of the "structural differences" between US lending and UK regulated lending the UK mortgage market would not be affected.
GfK Asia releases its 2007 Mid- Year Pan Asian IT Retail Data Summary, which highlights the trends in the region's IT sector. The report contains detailed data from nine Asian countries showing mid-year figures for 2007 against the same period in 2006. GfK Asia's report shows continued growth in the region from January to June 2007 when compared to the same period last year.
Fitch Ratings said that emerging market sovereigns are, by and large, well placed to ride out the disruption in global credit markets in the near-term without any impairment to sovereign credit quality, thanks to healthy buffers of external liquidity. This is the conclusion of a Sovereigns Special Report released by Fitch.
As summer comes to a close and recent 2007 graduates embark on the working world in lieu of returning to campus, employers nationwide are opening their doors and inviting workers to apply for their first jobs. Where will they find the most opportunities this fall? And how should current students prepare to take advantage of the most plentiful positions down the road?
In July, employers took 1,221 mass layoff actions, seasonally adjusted, as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits during the month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.