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added: 12-08-2007

Americans see the development of 100 mile-per-gallon cars as one of the most powerful ideas for combating global warming and reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil, according to survey results.

added: 12-08-2007

Most advertising professionals know what makes great advertising. But they work in a volatile business and are generally afraid to talk about it - so they keep it a secret. Whether they are employed in corporate marketing departments or in advertising agencies, the risk is great. "They could get fired if they do something outrageous and it fails," according to John Howlett a twenty-six year veteran of the New York area advertising business.

added: 11-08-2007

Home buyers in increasing numbers want garages with two or more spaces in their homes, according to the 2007 Profile of Buyers' Home Feature Preferences, released by the National Association of Realtors(R).


added: 11-08-2007

This year’s annual Harris Poll ranking industries on how well they serve consumers finds that the supermarket industry does the best job according to U.S. adults. Fully 92 percent of adults think supermarkets generally do a good job, and only eight percent think they do a bad job, giving them a net positive score of 84 percentage points. At the bottom of the list, only 26 percent think tobacco companies do a good job, while one-third (33%) believe oil companies do a good job.

added: 11-08-2007

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) estimates that in 2007 U.S. marketers will spend $500 million on email marketing to generate $21.9 billion in sales. That's an 18.3% increase in email marketing expenditures over last year. The upward trend indicates that marketers increased reliance on email marketing may stem from an impressive return on investment.

added: 10-08-2007

The latest composite leading indicators (CLIs) suggest that moderate economic expansion will continue in the OECD area. June 2007 data show improved performance in the CLI’s six month rate of change in all the major seven economies except Italy. The latest data for major OECD non-member economies point to continued steady expansion in China and India and an improved outlook for Brazil and Russia.

added: 10-08-2007

A new study comparing lifestyles and attitudes today with those of 30 years ago by GE Money Home Lending (UK) & The Future Foundation reveals the impact of a shift in social priorities in the UK, as today’s twentysomethings refuse to conform to traditional family life and community, instead opting for independence, lifestyle and experience …

added: 10-08-2007

There were 5,703 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2006, down slightly from the revised total of 5,734 fatalities in 2005. The rate of fatal work injuries in 2006 was 3.9 per 100,000 workers, down from a rate of 4.0 per 100,000 in 2005.

added: 10-08-2007

The Conference Board reports that the leading index for Japan increased 1.3 percent and the coincident index remained unchanged in June.


added: 10-08-2007

In the second quarter of 2007, there were 1,249 mass layoff events that resulted in the separation of 238,721 workers from their jobs for at least 31 days, according to preliminary figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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