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added: 02-08-2007

Despite challenges posed by rising home ownership rates and increased regulatory barriers in many local markets, the outlook for the U.S. multifamily rental sector remains generally strong, according to a new report from NAI Global, the world's premier network of commercial real estate firms.

added: 02-08-2007

Unemployment rates were lower in June than a year earlier in 186 of the 369 metropolitan areas, higher in 149 areas, and unchanged in 34 areas, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. Nineteen metropolitan areas registered jobless rates below 3.0 percent while two areas recorded jobless rates of at least 10.0 percent. The national unemployment rate in June was 4.7 percent, not seasonally adjusted.

added: 02-08-2007

With an annual growth rate of 25% over the next four years, the market will triple in size by 2011, reaching $407 billion.

added: 02-08-2007

The worldwide online population will grow to 1.5 billion in 2011, from 1.1 billion in 2006, according to JupiterResearch's "Worldwide Online Population Forecast, 2006 to 2011: Emerging Economies Catalyze Future Growth" report. The growth will put 22% of the world's population online in 2011.

added: 02-08-2007

A forward-looking indicator based on pending home sales shows the market is likely to stabilize in the months ahead, according to the National Association of Realtors(R).

added: 02-08-2007

The European Investment Bank is lending EUR 190m to Croatian gas transportation company, Plinacro, for the expansion and modernisation of the national gas network during the investment period 2007-2011. This strategic project will serve to reinforce interconnections of Croatia’s national gas network with those of neighbouring EU Member and Candidate States, strengthening security of supply and integration of the EU gas grid.

added: 01-08-2007

Household saving rate at 14.4% in the euro area and 10.9% in the EU27. Business investment rate at 22.5% in the euro area and 22.0% in the EU27.

added: 01-08-2007

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had dipped in June, rebounded in July 2007. The Index now stands at 112.6 (1985=100), up from 105.3 in June. The Present Situation Index increased to 139.2 from 129.9 in June. The Expectations Index rose to 94.8 from 88.8.

added: 01-08-2007

Finjan released a report detailing how new Crimeware (Crime Software) is being used to steal banking customer data from infected PCs. During July 2007, Finjan has identified 58 criminals using the MPack toolkit who have successfully infected over 500,000 unique users. The infection ratio stands at 16% from 3.1 million attempts - indicated by the web traffic volumes of the infecting sites. Finjan's analysis indicates that the crimeware being used within MPack steals bank account information, such as user name, password, credit card number, social security number etc., in a creative way.

added: 01-08-2007

U.S. venture capital firms raised $3.23 billion in the second quarter of 2007, a 62% drop from the same period last year and the biggest decline since 2002, according to Dow Jones VentureOne, the publisher of VentureSource. The quarter saw 15 venture capital funds raised, compared to 25 a year ago, and was the lowest quarterly fund total since the first quarter of 2003.

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