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added: 26-07-2007

Online job availability declined in 18 of the top 28 U.S. metro markets in June, reflecting a mild seasonal summer slowdown in online recruitment and job posting activity across all major markets, according to the latest findings of the Monster Local Employment Index.

added: 26-07-2007

Competition for the US mobile search market promises to be fierce, thanks to the large US online ad market and strong pushes by portals.

added: 26-07-2007

High growth potential for the Central and Eastern European steam and gas turbines market. Its revenues will increase three times more over the next few years as a result of the rising demand for electricity and the need to replace obsolete power plant equipment. The marketearned revenues of $1.52 billion in 2006 and estimates this to reach $5.34 billion in 2013.

added: 26-07-2007

The US relays more spam than any other nation, with nearly a fifth of all spam passed along in the second quarter of 2007, according to Sophos. The firm scanned all spam messages received in its spam traps, and noted where the e-mail had traveled.


added: 26-07-2007

OECD announced the removal of Liberia from its List of Unco-operative Tax Havens, following Liberia’s commitment to implement a programme to improve transparency and establish effective exchange of information in tax matters.

added: 26-07-2007

Seventy-two percent of U.S. adults have access to a broadband connection and more than half of American households now subscribe to broadband, according to new research released by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA®). 57.8 million U.S. households subscribe to broadband at home, an increase of 21 percent in the last 12 months.

added: 25-07-2007

According to the latest revisions1, the EU27 external current account recorded a deficit of 32.0 billion euro in the first quarter of 2007, compared with a deficit of 36.2 bn in the first quarter of 2006 and a deficit of 18.1 bn in the fourth quarter of 2006.

added: 25-07-2007

More than 628,000 of the lowest paid hard-working Americans will be the first of 12.5 million workers to receive a pay raise this week due to the first increase in the federal minimum wage in nearly a decade, according to an analysis by the Campaign for America's Future.

added: 25-07-2007

Regional and state unemployment rates were generally little changed in June. Overall, 19 states registered over-the-month unemployment rate increases, 17 states recorded decreases, and 14 states and the District of Columbia had no changes, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. Over the year, jobless rates declined in 27 states and the District of Columbia, rose in 18 states, and were unchanged in 5 states. The national unemployment rate was unchanged in June at 4.5 percent.

added: 25-07-2007

The Russian information and communications technology (ICT) is going from strength to strength on the back of robust economic growth, greater political stability, expanding consumer base, and increasing foreign investments. With the Indian markets slowing, Russia has become a particularly strong contender as a provider of complex engineering IT outsourcing and solutions.

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