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added: 27-07-2007

As concerns about North America's dependence on foreign oil and rising energy prices continue to increase, the concept of generating renewable energy from biomass gains attention in this region.

added: 27-07-2007

The motorized recreational vehicle (RV) and non-motorized, or "towable," RV market, hindered by a slow economy, is expected to pick up speed over the next five years, growing five percent and reaching $15.9 billion, according to Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing in the U.S., a new report from market research publisher SBI.

added: 27-07-2007

"It is no exaggeration to say that the Beijing Olympics in 2008 represent the 'coming out' party of China," says Ben Macklin, eMarketer Senior Analyst and the author of the new report, China Internet Audience. "While China has enjoyed terrific economic growth over the last 20 years, and now is the fourth-largest economy in the world — and the second-largest in terms of purchasing-power parity — its international influence and reputation have not matched its burgeoning economic power. But all that is changing."


added: 27-07-2007

Average employee wastes 1.7 hours of a typical 8.5 hour work day. This is the third year has conducted the survey and, while the amount of wasted time has steadily declined, companies are still paying billions in salaries for which they receive no direct benefit.

added: 27-07-2007

Leading U.S. mobile operators have started to embrace mobile advertising. In addition, ambitious new campaigns for both on-deck and off-deck mobile advertising are being developed. Mobile advertising is likely to be used to subsidize the cost of content production and lower the cost of service usage. Market earned revenues of $301.27 million in 2006 and estimates this to reach $2127.29 million in 2011.

added: 26-07-2007

Jobs, companies and higher education institutes are concentrated in Europe's cities, which are crucial to the EU's competitiveness in a global economy. But problems of social exclusion and spatial segregation are also significant features of city life. These are among the key conclusions of an independent study conducted for the European Commission based on urban statistics gathered under the "European Urban Audit".

added: 26-07-2007

Although the private car remains the main mode of transport for EU citizens, there is great awareness about its impact on the environment and traffic situation. According to a recent Eurobarometer opinion survey most Europeans favour measures to promote the use of public transport and encourage a more sustainable mobility. The survey also revealed citizens' attitudes towards air transport security and air passenger rights.

added: 26-07-2007

People like living in cities and expect them to improve as places in which to live and work. Those are some of the main conclusions of a Eurobarometer survey on the Quality of Life in European Cities. More than three-quarters of interviewees were satisfied with the quality of life in their cities, and a majority were positive about their city's future. Though citizens were on the whole satisfied with the quality of services such as education, health and culture, they had concerns over issues including availability of jobs, housing costs, and pollution.

added: 26-07-2007

As of December 2006, three counties heavily affected by Hurricane Katrina had recovered some of the job losses caused by the storm. Harrison County, Miss., had the largest over-the-year percentage increase in employment among the largest counties in the U.S., according to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.

added: 26-07-2007

China Consumer Confidence Index shows a slight rebound in Chinese consumer confidence in July, as a jump in future expectations offset continued deterioration in sentiment over current conditions. The Index rose 0.4 point to 102.0 in July, but remained slightly below the 102.2 reading in May.

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