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added: 31-07-2007

That "the rural market is a broad blue sea" has become a consensus view across the whole communications industry. But, for operators, it is very difficult to copy past successful models for rural communications. Due to a general low level of economic development in rural regions, few farmers contribute to the overall telecom consumption. Also, as major operators have freely developed services for years, most farmer households with purchasing power have already become communication product users.

added: 31-07-2007

Euro area (EA13) seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 6.9% in June 2007, unchanged compared to May. It was 7.9% in June 2006. The EU27 unemployment rate was also 6.9% in June 2007, compared with 7.0% in May. It was 7.9% in June 2006.


added: 31-07-2007

In July there were 4,084,200 online advertised vacancies, a largely seasonal decline of 196,200 or 4.6 percent from the June level, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Series™ (HWOL). Online advertised vacancies continue to be up substantially (20%) over the year (July'06 — July'07). There were 2.65 advertised vacancies online for every 100 persons in the labor force in July.


added: 31-07-2007

Economic growth in the euro area is running at its fastest pace since 2000 and is mostly generated by domestic factors, say the chief economists of the European Banking Federation’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (EMAC). Although they estimate that growth should start slowing at this point in the cycle, it should nonetheless reach 2.7% for 2007 as a whole.

added: 31-07-2007

A total of 72,051 job cuts were announced in Europe between 1 April and 30 June 2007 as a result of 335 company restructuring cases, the latest European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) quarterly reveals. The UK records the largest numbers of job losses, followed by Poland, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. These five countries made up 67% of all announced job losses in this quarter.

added: 31-07-2007

Affluent consumers went on a spending spree for luxuries in the second quarter 2007. The typical luxury consumer spent $15,283 buying luxury goods and services during the second quarter, 9 percent more than the average expenditure of $14,024 in the first quarter. This according to the results of Unity Marketing's Luxury Tracking survey of 1,000 affluent consumers conducted at the close of the second quarter 2007 (average income $155,500 and average age 44.3 years).

added: 31-07-2007

South Asian countries must meet the rapidly changing educational and health needs of their people if the region is to remain an engine of economic growth in Asia and the rest of the world, a new report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) says.

added: 30-07-2007

Fitch Ratings expects major Austrian banks to continue benefiting from their exposure to Central and Eastern Europe ("CEE"), where demand for credit remains substantial on the back of accelerated growth in most CEE economies. However, rapid retail loan growth in CEE could - if not properly controlled - lead in the medium-term to asset quality problems if CEE economies turn down.

added: 30-07-2007

Continued strong growth in the People’s Republic of China and only slightly moderating expansions in the newly industrialized economies and most of ASEAN should lead emerging East Asia to robust 8.1% GDP growth in 2007 and 7.9% in 2008, says a new report issued by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

added: 30-07-2007

The world’s major civil aircraft exporting countries, including OECD countries and Brazil, announced a landmark agreement limiting government support for export deals in an effort to end acrimonious trade disputes and encourage manufacturers and airlines to focus on price and quality rather than on financial packages of government support.

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