The Voca take home pay index shows that growth in take home pay eased to 3.6 per cent in April from 3.7 per cent in March. This downward trend shows that the expected strong pay increases in the January wage round have so far failed to materialise.
Shipping Industry is probably the most cyclic of all industries. Being a global industry, it is affected by a whole gamut of factors which range from world economic condition, political events, natural disasters to age of existing vessels, new vessel delivery schedules, availability of ship building slots with ship yards, government regulations etc.
The transformation of various enterprise applications from fixed to mobile access technology will generate more than $66 billion in carrier service revenue over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp. study.
Trade relations with China are a hot-button issue in Washington, as threats of tariffs and arguments over protectionism swirl around Capitol Hill. But beyond the sound and fury, the U.S.-China relationship is healthier now than it's ever been, and continues to move in the right direction.
April saw an estimated 100,000 jobs created, according to a Bloomberg News poll of economists. The same poll expects unemployment to rise to 4.5% from 4.4%. In order to snag one of the positions and avoid joining that higher percentage, job seekers need to update their resumes and send off crisp cover letters. Once on the job, employees must keep productivity high to hold onto positions.
As the computer hardware industry continues to grow, Standard & Poor's Equity Research Services sees it as a tale of two markets - the U.S. and non-U.S. Consumer price competition and a slowdown in commercial orders, driven by middling corporate sales, has led to decreased growth from the U.S. computer hardware industry.
The global airline industry shows no sign of reducing its activities, with a 5% increase in the number of flights scheduled for May 2007 compared with the same month last year. According to the latest statistics from OAG, the world's authority on flight information, this represents an additional 113,827 flights and 17.7 million more seats available to travellers.
The Italian pharmaceutical industry has witnessed several major developments in the last few months, including another set of price cuts, the falsified dossier scandal and plans to further liberalise the over-the-counter (OTC) sector, according to the recently published Italy Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Q406.
The European Union economy is expected to grow by 2.9% in 2007 and 2.7% in 2008 (2.6% and 2.5%, respectively, in the euro area) on the back of solid investment and stronger private consumption, according to the Commission’s spring economic forecasts.