Based on survey data compiled this month by the Private Company Index (PCI), 63% of PCI-company CEOs believe debt availability will be greater or the same in Q2 2007 as it was this past quarter.
The Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, rose from 53.4 in March to 54.6 in April. The PMI has risen continually since hitting a near two-year low in January, and signaled the steepest monthly rise in sales for ten months in the latest survey period.
A report adopted by Parliament on Thursday backs a strict application of the Stability and Growth Pact and calls for renewed efforts by Member States to use the current upswing in the economy to prepare public finances for the challenges of the future, notably an ageing population.
In October 2006, 65.8 percent of high school graduates from the class of 2006 were enrolled in colleges or universities, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since 2001, the college enrollment rate for recent high school graduates has been trending upward.
The Conference Board Help-Wanted Advertising Index — a key measure of job offerings in major newspapers across America — dipped one point in March. The Index now stands at 30. It was 37 one year ago.
The global information and communications technology (ICT) industry accounts for approximately 2 percent of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a figure equivalent to aviation, according to a new estimate by Gartner, Inc. Despite the overall environmental value of IT, Gartner believes this is unsustainable.
Emergency services and communications, navigation systems, live sports, news and weather coverage and financial transactions: day-to-day life in Europe depends more and more on space applications. To ensure a leading European role in these socially and economically important fields EU- countries are to join hands to successfully develop powerful space systems and technologies.
In 1990, the auto leasing industry started to develop slowly in China. In 2000, it entered a stage of rather fast development. By 2006, the number of vehicles for leasing in China approached 100,000, with a business turnover of almost 10 billion Yuan. However, CCID Consulting recently found that China's auto leasing industry is still facing development bottlenecks.
Oil and gas companies are one of the major emitters, if not the major emitter, of carbon in the world today. With climate change now the greatest environmental challenge, it has become imperative to reduce carbon emissions dramatically in the future. Therefore, oil and gas companies are facing one of the biggest upheavals they have ever experienced, with renewable energy gaining key importance in their market strategies.