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added: 17-04-2007

The world is currently producing more oil annually than it is replacing with new reserves. That sobering conclusion emerges from a new survey of global liquids reserves published by Energy Intelligence.

added: 17-04-2007

Fifty-three percent of Internet users would replace their cable and satellite TV with broadband TV, if they could get the same TV channels, according to a new Zogby poll, sponsored by Redback Networks, an Ericsson company.

added: 17-04-2007

Small business is a big contributor to the nation's economy, generating 50 percent of the private, nonfarm gross domestic product (GDP), according to a study released by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration. The study covers the period 1998 -- 2004, and confirms the findings of earlier research.

added: 17-04-2007

The consumer directed health plans (CDHP) market is still in the developing phase as most health insurers have only begun to offer these products to all accounts across multiple geographic regions. As health insurance premiums continue to increase, more employers are likely to offer CDHPs to their employees, pushing up enrollment rates.

added: 16-04-2007

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased 1.0 percent in March, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 16-04-2007

Euro area annual inflation was 1.9% in March 2007, up from 1.8% in February. A year earlier the rate was 2.2%. Monthly inflation was 0.7% in March 2007. EU annual inflation was 2.2% in March 2007, up from 2.1% in February. A year earlier the rate was 2.1%. Monthly inflation was 0.6% in March 2007.


added: 16-04-2007

Presently, the consumer electronics and durables (CED) sector in India is not a large contributor to the third party logistics (3PL) market revenues in the country. The penetration of the 3PL model in this sector is fairly low, but the opportunities for growth are high.

added: 16-04-2007

Nine of the largest U.S. television broadcast groups announced the launch of the “Open Mobile Video Coalition,” an industry alliance to accelerate the development of mobile digital broadcast television.

added: 16-04-2007

China has grown to be the world's third largest electrical electronics market as well as the market with the fastest growth. During the period of 2000-2005, the nationwide power shortage not only resulted in the great progress of the domestic power industry but also directly stimulated the demands for power equipment thanks to the dramatic increase of investment in power.

added: 16-04-2007

As knowledge and information cross borders with unprecedented ease, it unleashes powerful economic forces that reduce costs and boost productivity, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' 2006 annual report essay.

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