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added: 20-02-2007

Compared to developed countries, China’s eight-year-old fund industry, though still small in size, is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. This can be seen from the total NAV of China’s funds, which increased more than 80 times from 1998 to 2006.

added: 20-02-2007

The industry’s revenue for the year 2005 was approximately $2,370,000,000. The gross profit was 30.59% at $724,983,000. There were 244 establishments in this industry that year. Thus, average contribution (or revenue) per establishment annually was $9,707,000.

added: 20-02-2007

Frost & Sullivan estimates Passenger Vehicles sales to grow at a CAGR of 14.9 percent over the forecast period of 2005-06 to 2009-10 with sales volume expected to reach 2.1 million by 2010. Global passenger vehicle production trends show stagnation of Europe, Japan and the US markets, indicating potential for Asia, with India expected to add a million passenger vehicle production capacity by 2010.

added: 20-02-2007

Unemployment is down and employment on the rise according to the Joint Employment Report, to be adopted by employment ministers on 22 February. The Commission report - which assesses Member States’ implementation of their national reform programmes in the area of employment – is upbeat.

added: 20-02-2007

Regional GDP per inhabitant in the EU27 GDP per inhabitant in 2004 ranged from 24% of the EU27 average in Nord-Est in Romania to 303% in Inner London.

added: 20-02-2007

With the commoditization of traditional data services, the Asia Pacific enterprises services market is witnessing increased competition. China and India are fast developing as key battlegrounds.

added: 16-02-2007

The first estimate for the euro area (EA12) trade balance with the rest of the world in December 2006 gave a 2.5 bn euro surplus compared with -1.1 bn in December 2005. The November 2006 balance was +5.1 bn, compared with -2.1 bn in November 2005. In December 2006 compared with November 2006, exports, seasonally adjusted, rose by 3.3% and imports by 6.7%.


added: 16-02-2007

Economic growth in the European Union is set to stay at a brisk pace in 2007 with growth seen at 2.7% in the EU and 2.4% in the euro area in the European Commission's interim forecast. This is +0.3 percentage point above the autumn forecast for both areas.

added: 16-02-2007

Mortgage rates showed little movement this week, with the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate inching higher to 6.32 percent. According to's weekly national survey of large lenders, the 30-year fixed rate mortgages had an average of 0.33 discount and origination points.

added: 16-02-2007

The world's nuclear operators have set a record for total power generation in 2006, according to preliminary data just released by Nucleonics Week, a publication of Platts, the world's leading energy information provider and top supplier of benchmark spot energy prices.

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