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added: 08-02-2007

The European Commission decided to open a formal investigation procedure under EC Treaty state aid rules into planned reductions of the Dutch tax rates for net interests received on intra-group loans under a scheme called 'Groepsrentebox'. The opening of an in-depth investigation enables also interested third parties to submit their comments on the proposed measures but does not prejudge the outcome of the inquiry.

added: 07-02-2007

ADB and the German Government today launched a joint initiative that will help improve the lives of up to 200 million people in Asia's growing cities.

added: 07-02-2007

OECD countries have agreed to broaden the mechanisms available to companies and individuals involved in cross-border disputes over taxation by introducing the possibility of arbitration if other attempts to resolve disagreements fail.


added: 07-02-2007

The Conference Board reports today that the leading index for Japan increased 0.7 percent, while the coincident index decreased 0.1 percent in December.


added: 07-02-2007

According to leading consumer and retail information company The NPD Group, retail sales in the U.S. toy industry increased slightly (up 0.34%) and generated over $22.3 billion in 2006 compared to $22.2 billion generated in 2005.

added: 06-02-2007

In December 2006, compared to December 2005, the volume of retail trade grew by 2.1% in the euro area (EZ12)2 and by 3.3% in the EU25. Compared to November 20063, the retail sales index rose by 0.3% in the euro area and by 0.7% in the EU25. The average volume of retail trade index for 2006, compared to 2005, increased by 1.4% in the euro area and by 2.4% in the EU25.

added: 06-02-2007

Historically, for Westerners, understanding Asian markets has always been difficult, and the Internet has not made that task any easier — but it has made it more necessary.


added: 06-02-2007

A nation-wide annual Customer Satisfaction Audit among 584 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) shows that the satisfaction level of CIOs with vendors in every IT category has gone down. There is a drop of two to three points from the satisfaction levels registered in the previous year.

added: 06-02-2007

The year of 2007 is crucial for China’s TMT industry after several years’ stable development. Because of great breakthroughs in some key factors and changes in the market, many difficult problems accumulated several years are all expected to be solved in 2007. Moreover, the industrial rhythm will be far different from that in 2006.

added: 06-02-2007

China's expanding retail industry including apparel and fashion, food and grocery, furniture retailing, and home electrical appliance is increasingly seeking to outsource its logistics functions to third-party logistics (3PL) service providers to meet the growing need for a variety of higher quality products. Increase in foreign investments also drives demand in the 3PL markets.

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