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added: 17-01-2007

LG.Philips LCD, one of the world’s leading TFT-LCD manufacturers, today reported unaudited earnings results based on consolidated Korean GAAP for the three-month period ended December 31, 2006. Amounts in Korean Won (KRW) are translated into US dollars (USD) at the noon buying rate in effect on December 29, 2006, which was KRW 930.00 per US dollar.

added: 17-01-2007

While a very young market at present, the Chinese telematics and infotainment markets is likely to witness considerable growth and development over the forecast period.

added: 16-01-2007

Fitch Ratings says in a just-issued report that European retail, leisure, consumer product and pharmaceutical ("RLCP") companies face diverse credit conditions and challenges.

added: 16-01-2007

The Chinese retail banking industry in the post-WTO scenario and the how the countrys accession to WTO and consequent banking reforms are altering the retail banking landscape.

added: 16-01-2007

The main mobile operators on the market, enjoying a combined 95% market share, have appealed against the market regulator body ANRC’s decision of gradually cutting the interconnection fees by early 2009.

added: 16-01-2007

Russia's export-import freight with China via the Zaibalsk-Manchuria rail border crossing increased by 18.4% in 2006 compared to the previous year and amounted to about 21 million tons.

added: 16-01-2007

In October 2006, YGX conducted an online survey to gauge easyJet’s prospects for success within the UK low cost carrier (LCC) sector. The results indicate that things are looking good for easyJet.

added: 16-01-2007

The mobile telephony market continued to fuel the expansion of the Serbian telecom sector in the first quarter of this year.

added: 15-01-2007

Fitch Ratings says in a report that the full ownership unbundling proposed by the EU competition regulators for the energy sector could weaken the credit profiles of the more volatile generation and retail companies. On the other hand, the ratings of regulated network companies are likely to remain stable or may even strengthen compared with their vertically integrated counterparts. Ultimately, rating migration will depend on Fitch's assessment of the cash flow characteristics of the unbundled businesses in relation to their new debt profiles and the sector framework.

added: 15-01-2007

In the first years of the new millennium, the mobile telephony services market in Latin America developed at a very rapid pace. Initially, voice service was the main driver of this market. However, similar to regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia this changed.

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