The Japanese pharmaceutical market is the second largest in the world, after the USA, accounting for over 10% of the total world market. In 2005, it was valued at around US$66.2 billion (¥7,068 billion) at consumer prices. This is equal to US$517 per capita, one of the highest per capita spending levels in the world.
Thanks to new technology and a very prosperous video games market, the overall toys and games market enjoyed healthy growth in 2005. Infant toys and video games hardware were the most affected by new technology in 2005.
France has one of Europe’s largest telecom markets, and has emerged as a leader in fibre deployment. The country also has a progressive incumbent operator forging ahead with its NeXT strategy to upgrade its infrastructure to an all-IP network, and so keep pace with similar moves in neighbouring Germany, the UK and The Netherlands.
European DIY retailing 2007 analyses the market conditions as average EU sales densities have begun to fall. The report looks at the dynamics, growth trends and drivers, key indicators and provides detailed recommendations.
The global non-life insurance market wrote total gross premiums of $1,335.1 billion in 2005, this representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% for the five-year period spanning 2001-2005.
The global computer hardware market generated total revenues of $366.9 billion in 2005, this representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% for the five-year period spanning 2001-2005.
With only ten days to go before Slovenia adopts the euro, the final practical changeover preparations are well under way and everybody, from the banks to the retail sector and consumers themselves, seems to be ready. Commercial banks and retailers have received, or are about to, euro banknotes and coins and since last week households have also been able to procure themselves 'mini-kits' to familiarise themselves with the euro.
Europe's rural areas must exploit their potential or risk falling further behind urban areas in meeting Lisbon employment targets, particularly in the remotest and most agricultural areas, according to a Commission Communication published today.
Between 2000 and 2005 the average price of textile imports fell by 21% while the price of clothing imports declined by 24%. In 2005, however, the price falls moderated to only 1.2% in textiles and a mere 0.1% in clothing.
Due to huge consumer demand in the personal care industry, Chinese personal care ingredients (PCI) industry is considered to have considerable growth potential. Though the hike in crude oil prices is likely to block its advance to some extent, a shrewd marketing policy focusing on service and innovation is possible to help suppliers overcome difficulty and expand their market share.