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added: 12-01-2007

Fitch Ratings says in a Special Report published today that it expects the European technology sector to experience stable market conditions throughout 2007.

added: 12-01-2007

This year will be a very good year for the Polish automotive industry. Passenger car production should be as high as in 2005, which saw the biggest volume since 1999.

added: 11-01-2007

JETRO's monthly survey of Japanese companies and affiliates operating in 12 countries/regions of East Asia revealed that overall current sentiment recovered slightly in the ASEAN region, most notably in Indonesia, while continuing strong in mainland China and Hong Kong in December. Meanwhile, Taiwan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) recorded their lowest levels in 2006 in this month's survey.

added: 11-01-2007

Fitch Ratings says in a Special Report published today that, despite persistently difficult operating conditions, its outlook for European telecom credits is broadly stable.

added: 11-01-2007

Mortgage rates were flat this week even as concerns about inflation began to percolate. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage remained at 6.24 percent. According to's weekly national survey of large lenders, the 30-year fixed rate mortgages had an average of 0.23 discount and origination points.


added: 11-01-2007

Fitch Ratings says European high-yield issuance in 2006 reached a record volume of EUR42 billion, representing an increase of more than 61% on the EUR26bn issuance in 2005 (EUR29.3bn in 2004, EUR23.9bn in 2003), as debt funded acquisitions continue to meet demand in a liquid credit market supported by low default rates.

added: 11-01-2007

As an energy source, the battery is one of the most important accessories for mobile phones. Nowadays, the Ni-Cd battery, which was born in black-white display mobile phone generation, has exited the market, and NI-MH battery also has little demand.

added: 11-01-2007

Worldwide end users spent $1.16 trillion on information technology in 2006 and will increase IT spending at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% to reach $1.48 trillion in 2010, a newly updated IDC forecast on worldwide vertical market IT spending reveals.

added: 11-01-2007

Climate change, increasing oil and fossil fuel dependence and rising energy prices: all these factors are rendering Europe increasingly vulnerable. The key to a sustainable future must involve renewable energies. As part of its Energy Policy for Europe, the European Commission has today put forward a proposal for a long-term Renewable Energy Roadmap.

added: 11-01-2007

The EU has clearly recognised that the internal energy market is the policy line that ensures fair prices to citizens and industries. At the same time, it guarantees that even smaller companies, for instance those that invest in renewable energy, have access to the energy market.

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