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added: 08-01-2009

Larger vehicles continued to see increases in views across as gas prices fell to around $1.60 nationally. The new Ford F-150 led the way with the most overall views of any new vehicle on during the month of December, enjoying an increase of 23.03% from December 2007.

added: 08-01-2009

Fitch Ratings said that there is a trend towards much larger European securitisation transaction sizes as European banks continue to access European Central Bank and Bank of England repo funding. Fitch estimates that the average European structured finance transaction size in 2008 (excluding CDOs) was EUR2.6 billion in 2008, compared to EUR 1.7 billion in 2007, an increase of some 52%.

added: 08-01-2009

While some long-term trends look favorable for the life insurance industry, short-term challenges will occupy the attention of senior management for the next two to three years due to the impact of the financial crisis, according to a new report by Conning Research and Consulting, Inc.

added: 08-01-2009

With manufacturers facing a global recession and the outlook for 2009 looking dim, companies are desperately looking for cash protection, often combined with severe cost cutting initiatives, to survive in these tough economic times. It is a challenging and daunting task requiring top executives to have greater transparency into the company's operations and use of capital.

added: 08-01-2009

Monthly job demand drops below 4 million for 1st time since summer 2006, reflecting widespread deterioration across the nation. Online job demand is 780,000 below December 2007 levels. U.S. labor market conditions remain quite gloomy for first half of 2009.

added: 08-01-2009

The quest for cash to jumpstart the ailing U.S. economy could be alleviated if congress would revisit the 2004 successful economic stimulus measure that enabled U.S. businesses to invest $360 billion of foreign earnings at a temporary, reduced tax rate of 5.25%.

added: 08-01-2009

Despite the high number of December layoffs, and increasing rates of unemployment across the country, employees have a surprisingly high level of confidence relating to their own jobs and compensation in the next six to 12 months, according to a year-end survey of 1,331 employed adults conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of

added: 08-01-2009

2008 has been a historic year for the Energy & Power industry as it began with very high commodity prices which threatened to delay several large energy & power projects because of material shortfalls.

added: 08-01-2009

Even with slower hiring predicted for 2009, 19 percent of workers say finding a new job is on their list of New Year's resolutions and the same amount say they actually plan to leave their current job before the end of the year, according to's latest survey.

added: 08-01-2009

U.S. consumer credit quality measures worsened last month as credit card chargeoffs rose and cardholder payment rates slowed dramatically, according to the latest Credit Card Index results from Fitch Ratings.

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