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added: 17-04-2008

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.9 percent in March, before seasonal adjustment, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 17-04-2008

Real average weekly earnings rose by 0.2 percent from February to March after seasonal adjustment, according to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.

added: 17-04-2008

As oil prices topped $115 a barrel on futures markets, President Bush continued his near-silence on the damage that energy inflation is doing to consumers and the economy, said Consumer Watchdog. The White House clings to a pallid strategy of blaming OPEC even as it continues buying oil off the market at a rate of 1.5 million barrels a month for a Strategic Petroleum Reserve that is already filled to near-record levels.

added: 17-04-2008

Venture capitalists expect the U.S. recession and unstable markets to slow investment and fundraising opportunities, however China, India, greentech, internet services and biotech will continue to gain momentum and investment in the coming year, according to a recent survey by the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG LLP.

added: 17-04-2008

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased 1.1 percent in March, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. This advance followed a 0.3-percent rise in February and a 1.0-percent increase in January. At the earlier stages of processing, prices received by producers of intermediate goods rose 2.3 percent after increasing 0.8 percent a month earlier, and the crude goods index advanced 8.0 percent following a 3.7-percent rise in February.

added: 17-04-2008

The Irish economy has performed remarkably well over the past decade, propelling per capita income to above the EU average. Though the period of rapid catch-up has ended and productivity growth has slowed in recent years, the economic fundamentals remain strong.

added: 16-04-2008

In January 2008 the working day and seasonally adjusted current account of the euro area showed a deficit of EUR 10.6 billion. In the financial account, combined direct and portfolio investment showed net inflows of EUR 22 billion.

added: 16-04-2008

Fundamental reform of the financial system and its regulation is needed to address the issues highlighted by the current financial markets crisis, according to the OECD Financial Markets Committee. Priority should be given to private sector initiatives to speed up the recovery of financial markets but government intervention may be needed.

added: 16-04-2008

A new report by Juniper Research into the mobile financial services sector has found that the number of consumers accessing banking services and products via their mobile phones will reach 816 million by 2011, a tenfold increase on the number using such services in 2007.

added: 16-04-2008

Majorities in most countries continue to support the free market system, but over the last two years support has eroded in 10 of 18 countries regularly polled by GlobeScan. In several countries this drop in support has been quite sharp.

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