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added: 02-05-2008

Fixed mortgage rates inched upward for the third week in a row, with the average conforming 30-year fixed mortgage rate rising to 6.16 percent. According to's weekly national survey of large lenders, the average 30-year fixed mortgage has an average of 0.36 discount and origination points.

added: 02-05-2008

The Monster Employment Index added seven points in April, as online job availability in the U.S. continued to rise moderately for the third consecutive month. Despite the gradual upward trend during the past three months, the Index remains down six percent year-over-year, but its growth rate was slightly improved from the year-over-year reading in March.

added: 02-05-2008

Multifactor productivity, defined as output per unit of combined inputs, was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor for the manufacturing sector and for durable goods, nondurable goods, and three-digit (NAICS) manufacturing industries for the year 2006.

added: 02-05-2008

Total compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.7 percent from December 2007 to March 2008, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. The increase for the September to December 2007 period was 0.8 percent. Wages and salaries rose 0.8 percent and benefits rose 0.6 percent.

added: 02-05-2008

The US Federal Reserve cut its key Federal Funds rate 0.25% to 2% and suggested it will sit for a while after getting more bad news yesterday on the state of the country's housing sector.

added: 02-05-2008

The majority of U.S. companies have a formal, written plan for emergency preparedness, according to a report released by The Conference Board. But a widely adopted certification standard for such plans does not exist yet.


added: 02-05-2008

In April 2008 there were 3,649,900 online advertised job vacancies, a 16.4 percent decline from the April 2007 level, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Series™ (HWOL). This is the second consecutive month of over the year declines for the nation as whole. Even for the six states that posted gains the pace of growth has slowed. In April, there were 2.4 advertised vacancies posted online for every 100 persons in the labor force, down from a high of 2.9 in April 2007.

added: 02-05-2008

Sixty-eight percent of America's adults believe the United States is heading toward a recession, and slightly more than half (53 percent) are cutting their spending and paying down debt as a result, according to a survey by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

added: 01-05-2008

Consumer interest in buying green environmentally friendly products and healthy organic food remains high despite the tough economy and rising food and energy prices. A recent market research survey released by Mambo Sprouts Marketing showed that consumers are placing a priority on buying green and 2 in 3 or more are using coupons, stocking up on sales and cooking meals at home to stretch their grocery dollars.

added: 01-05-2008

According to a survey from AOL Travel and Zogby International, 57% of Americans feel they have less money to spend this year on summer vacations than they did in 2007 and are looking at ways to save on their travel costs.

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