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added: 07-05-2008

US business conditions are getting tougher. US homewares retailer, Linens 'n Things went into bankruptcy protection in the US late last week and yesterday regional gambling operator, Tropicana went into Chapter 11 protection, becoming two of the higher profile American failures of 2008 so far.

added: 07-05-2008

Fitch Ratings expects that comparable store sales performance in the U.S. retail industry will remain weak for the remainder of 2008, particularly in the discretionary apparel and home products segments. Retail operators continue to face a challenging consumer environment characterized by higher energy and commodity costs, increased unemployment rates, falling real estate and stock prices, and declines in credit availability.

added: 07-05-2008

Despite continued home value declines nationwide, U.S. homeowners remain bullish about their own home's value. For the second consecutive quarter, homeowner perception about changes in their personal home value is markedly off from the reality, according to a recent Zillow(R) survey of homeowner confidence conducted by Harris Interactive(R).

added: 06-05-2008

Home values in the first quarter of 2008 fell 1.6 percent from the fourth quarter and 7.7 percent from the year-ago quarter, marking the most significant year-over-year decline in the past 12 years, to a U.S. Zindex(R) home value indicator of $213,000, according to the Q1 Home Value Report. The median U.S. home value has not been this low since the second quarter of 2005, leaving more homeowners who purchased in 2005 or later with negative equity than any quarter previously reported by Zillow.

added: 06-05-2008

Long-term economic progress and employment remain firmly at the top of European Union spending, taking the biggest share – nearly 45% - of the proposed 2009 budget - a 3% rise on 2008. The proposal presented today also highlights the growing trend to gear policy spending towards the energy and environment, with a massive 10% of the budget going on environment. Money for agriculture will remain stable at €42.9 billion. All headings in the budget will grow, reaching a total of €134.4 billion in commitments and €116.7 billion in payments.

added: 06-05-2008, a part of Experian, examines home furniture and appliance online shopping trends in the latest Consumer Behavior Report, based on a survey of 1,945 online consumers conducted in late March 2008 and compared with a similar survey of 1,417 online consumers conducted in August 2006. In the March survey, 53 percent of respondents indicated that Web sites are their primary source for researching products and merchants for their next major home product purchase.

added: 06-05-2008

Developing Asia needs to strike a balance between providing immediate relief to shield the poor and vulnerable against rising food prices and in the short-term ensure inputs and credit are available to spur a strong supply response over the coming crop cycles, says a new report from Asian Development Bank (ADB).

added: 06-05-2008

For most major OECD economies, except Canada and the United Kingdom, unit labour cost growth in industry remained negative in the fourth quarter of 2007.

added: 06-05-2008

In the fourth quarter of 2007, the seasonally adjusted gross saving rate of households was 14.3% in the euro area (EA13). It was 14.0% in the third quarter of 2007. In the EU27, the household saving rate was 10.6% in the fourth quarter of 2007, compared with 10.4% in the third quarter of 2007.

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